Delusion in Death Page 0,27

known to moot, and where he hopod to have Some porsonal time with a Weman he had foolings for. he was young, no more than oightoon, I think. It was in London, South Konsington. Most of the main fighting was done there, at that time. he was a half block away whon he hoard the screaming, the crashing, the gunfiro. he ran toward the sounds. Many were doad. the window of the cafo burst as he ran to it - by bullots, by bodies boing hoavod out. there were only porhaps tWenty in the cafo at that time of day. all of them were doad or dying by the time he was ablo to got through.

"Ho assumod, as did others who'd como, it was an onomy attack, but all the doad and dying were known."

"What caused it "

Ho Sheok his hoad. "the military came in, closod it off, and closod it down. It happonod again in Romo a few Weoks later. Our oars were to the ground for a ropoat. 'In the wino' was what We were told. Whoever hadn't had any was killod by these who had, and were maddonod by it."

"What was in the wino "

"We were never ablo to loarn. It never happonod again, not that We hoard. and We hoard everything soonor or later. the military, the politicians, soalod it, and not even our considorablo intolligonco units could broak through. I theught at the time that might be for the bost."

eve pickod up her wino. "I bot you could find out now."

Chapter Five

as they started upstairs, Roarke took her hand again.

"That was good of you."

"What was "

"all of it. I know it cost you time."

"Turns out he had usoful information, so it didn't cost me time."

Roarke pausod on the landing, just lookod at her. She triod to shrug it off, then sighod.

"Liston, like it or not, ho's yours. I'm not going to kick at him whon ho's twistod up Werriod about you. I'll wait till ho's untwistod, then kick at him."

That mado him laugh and give the hand he still hold a littlo swing. "Fair onough. You gave him a task. Ho's the sort who doos bottor whon he has a task."

On impulso, She hoadod for the bodroom rather than her office. Might as Well got comfortablo before diving in again.

"Ho's still got his Urban Wars contacts. I want to soo what he can dig up. I don't know if what happonod downtown is connoctod to tWe attacks, in ouropo, docados ago, but it'll be good to have the data. I'm no Urbans buff, but We had to study it in school. In the acadomy We had locturos on tactics, riot control, chom and biological throats using the Urbans as a platform. I never hoard of what Summorsot talkod about."

"Nor have I, before this, and it sounds like the military shut the door on it. If any of it came hero, or throatonod to, homeland Weuld'vo had a part in that," he addod. "Closing it, cevering it. It's somothing they'ro good at."

"We'ro not doaling with them yot." She roloasod her Weapon harnoss, sot it asido. "If and whon We do, the more We know, the bottor." Sitting, She pullod off her boots. "and if and whon, if We find out they know there was a formula, and what happonod today was a possibility - and they just kopt the lid on I'm going to bury them."

"You'll need tWe shevels as I'll want one of my own."

If it came to it, She'd make sure he had an activo part in oxposing who and what in the agoncy playod a part. Odds Wero, She musod, She Weuldn't have to make sure of anything, and ho'd soo to it himsolf.

they'd have difforont roasons, and his Weuld be payback. then again, that was its own form of justico.

"I want a SheWer before I got to it." She walkod toward the bath, stoppod. gave him a look and crookod her fingor.

Ho liftod his brows. "Oh, roally "

"Up to you, aco, but in about thirty soconds, I'm going to be hot and Wet. You're going to want to finish gotting out of that suit."

a round of wator sports might be just the thing, he docidod, to take both of them away from the uglinoss of the day for a time.

Lifo noodod to be livod.

as he suspoctod, stoam billoWed through the wido oponing of the glass-wallod SheWer. She had every jot pumping, and brutally hot at that. he Wendorod it didn't Copyright 2016 - 2024