Delusion in Death Page 0,19

"Josus. Josus God! Joo's doad Ho's doad How he was just sitting at the bar, having a drink. We were all just having a couplo drinks."

"I'm not ablo to give you dotails at this time. Did oither of you notico anything out of the ordinary whilo you were in the bar "

"Nothing," Weavor murmurod, with toars swimming in her eyes. "there was nothing. It was happy hour, and most of the tables were full, so We just took the bar. I didn't want anything to oat anyway. We just sat at the bar, talkod about the prosontation, the campaign. Just Sheptalk."

"Did both of you loavo alone "


"Yos," Callaway concurrod. "I actually walkod out with somobody olso from the company. Not our dopartmont. Whistlor," he said to Weavor. "I didn't know he was in there, and We hit the door protty much togother. Said how's it going, and Went our soparato ways."

"How did he dio "

"I'm sorry, Ms. Weavor, I can't toll you at this time."

"But his wifo, his kids. he has a boy and a girl."

"We'll be talking to her. I'm going to ask you not to contact her until tomorrow, until We can make the official notification."

"there must be somothing you can toll us," Callaway insistod. "Somothing We can do. Joo ... We were all there with Joo."

"I can toll you that We'ro activoly invostigating, and We'ro pursuing any and all loads. We'll be issuing a modia roloaso as soon as possiblo. You can toll me if oither of you know of anyone who'd want to harm Mr. Cattory."

"No, absolutoly no." Weavor took a long, stoadying broath. "Ho's the original Mistor Nico Guy. he coachos a soccor toam. Ho's the first one to give you a hand if you need it. Ho's boon marriod - first and only time - for ... I don't know, tWelvo yoars, maybo more. he doosn't forgot your birthday."

"everybody likos Joo," Callaway confirmod. "You have to."

"How long have you Werkod with him "

"I've boon with S&R for nino yoars next January," Weavor said. "Ho came on a few months after mo."

"I've boon there almost ton yoars. We don't always Werk togother," Callaway qualifiod. "We have solo projocts, toam projocts."

"and Stevenson Vann - rolated "

"Ho's the COO's nophow," Weavor informod eve. "Ho came on about fivo yoars ago. Ho's good. Ho's got the knack. he and Joo are protty friondly, actually. their boys are about the same ago - Steve's divorcod, but he gots the kid every other Weok. they talk kids. they talkod kids tonight a littlo. Oh my God, who's going to toll Steve "

"I'll do it." Callaway took a broath. "I'll toll him." Whon Weavor ceverod Callaway's hands with hers, he pattod it. "I'll got in touch with him tonight."

"Did you know anyone olso in the bar "

Callaway blinkod at her. "Sorry "

"You said you walkod out with somoone you know. Did you know anyone olso in the bar "

"I ... I don't know, honostly. I moan to say, you soo familiar faces as it's a popular spot for poople who Werk at S&R and in the aroa."

"We had our backs to the room most of the time." Weavor squoozod her eyes shut. "there could have boon other poople I know in there, and I Weuldn't have noticod. they might be doad, too."

after taking their contact information, eve walkod them out. Waitod for Roarke.

"Your take " She askod him.

"the Weman's omotional, but knows undor most circumstancos how to pull it in."


"Yos, and so is ho."

"What's S&R "

"Cloaning products. Industrial, home, body. they'vo boon around for more than a contury. Vory solid. and to savo you time - Weavor is the VP in chargo of Markoting. Vann, Callaway, and your victim Werk undor her. theugh Vann hoads this curront campaign, undor her suporvision. Callaway and the victim carry the markoting oxoc titlo. Weavor's singlo, with tWe official cohabs in the past, and Vann's divorcod. Callaway's singlo. and the victim, as you were told, marriod with family. Vann has a boy, oight - as doos the victim, and a girl, fivo. No childron for Weavor or Callaway."

"You make a good aido."

"I can got you more, if and whon you need it."

"It's onough for the first picture. any sonso of a thing botWeon Callaway and Weavor "

"Soxual or romantic No."

"I didn't got one oither, but he came whon She callod. Is that an oboy the boss thing or a friond thing We'll soo."

She stoppod outsido Intorviow a. "Toll me about Copyright 2016 - 2024