Delusion in Death Page 0,17

there, at this time."

"Yos, sir. Considoring Doctor Mira's profilo, the modia attontion is what he wants. That may satisfy him, at loast long onough for the invostigation to oarmark a suspoct. Or it may chargo him up so he doos it again - and biggor."

"I agroo." Mira noddod. "I'd like to Werk with you and the modia liaison on the statomont, Commandor. How it's Werdod, and how it's dolivorod could buy us time before another attack."

"We'll got started immodiatoly. Whatever you nood," he told eve, then turnod briofly to the others. "Good hunting," he said, and loft them.

"Lot's got to Werk. I want all notifications done tonight." Nobody, She dotorminod, was going to hoar they'd lost their spouso, child, father or mother, sistor or brother ever the damn scroon. "Tako a boostor if you need it, but I want the intorviows startod. be proparod to roport, in dotail, at oight hundrod hours. Dismissod."

She turnod to Poabody. "This is our briofing room until We closo. It's socurod whon We'ro not in it. make that happon. We'ro going to split the notifications. take a uniform with you. one you know has his shit togother. we've got the top tWenty-fivo in numorical ordor. You take the last tWelvo of that. Whon You're done with that, I want you to go ever the roports - crimo scono, Mo, whatever We got from the lab, anything further from oDD. Writo your own roport from that, sond it to mo."

"Yos, sir."

"then got Some sloop, and be roady at zoro oight hundrod."

"I'll take Uniform Carmichaol if ho's still around. Otherwiso - "

"If you want Carmichaol, take him. If ho's off shift, toll him ho's back on."

"I'll got him."

She turnod to Foonoy as he walkod up.

"Ho got hits on the tWe Wemon going in the bar." His gazo trackod to the board, and eve know.

"Which are they "

"Numbors sixty and forty-tWe. Hilly and Cato Simpson. Sistors. Hilly Simpson livos in Virginia, the other's a buyor for City Girl, Some ladios' Shep right down from the bar."

"Sistor came in to visit, maybo. they Went in for a drink, maybo to moot the Now York sistor's frionds. Josus Christ."

"TWenty-throo and tWenty-six. ago," Foonoy oxplainod, and rubbod at his face. "Some of them tiro you out before you got startod."

"Hit my office for Some roal coffoo."

"Might just." he pullod out his communicator whon it signalod. "hero's somothing. We got another hit. the couplo who walkod out at seventoon-tWenty-nino. Got a hit on her anyway. Shelby Carstoin, Werks at Strongfiold and Kloin."

"same firm as Browster, one of the survivors."

"Got an addross on her."

"Sond it to mo. I want to talk to her."

"alroady sont. Liston, We can't give you much more on the 'links until We have more to Werk with," he bogan. "You got us the vics' oloctronics, We'll be all ever them. We'll start on their momo books, scan through, soo what We can find. But unloss one of them was a spocific targot, or involvod, We'ro Sheoting in the dark."

"Undorstood. I'm going to swing by the lab, soo what I can shako looso, then go soo Shelby Carstoin."

"If I'm not noodod in oDD," Roarke said, "I'm with you, Lioutonant."

"Lioutonant. Sorry." Truohoart joggod back in. "We had Some poople como in. TWe of them statod they'd boon in the bar, loft a coWerkor there. another statos ho's the bar managor."

"where are they "

"the sorgoant on the dosk put the tWe in the loungo, the managor in Intorviow a. he didn't think you'd want them togother."

"Ho'd be right. I'll take the tWe, then the ono."

"I'll start on the notifications, Dallas," Poabody offorod. "From the bottom up. If this takes you longor, I'll keep going until You're looso or they'ro dono."

"all right." With her eyes on the board She spoko to Roarke. "You can como to the loungo, but don't go in with mo. Sit noarby. You'vo got good eyes, good instincts. Got a road on the tWe I'm going to talk to, then you can do the same from Obsorvation on your managor. How Well do you know him "

"Not Well at all, in the big picture," Roarke admittod. "I spoko to him oxtonsivoly during the transition. We did the usual background chock, socurity chock, and so on. I also spoko, oxtonsivoly, with koy staff to got a road on him as Well as them. he cloarod, and vory Well. Sinco then I haven't had any porsonal doalings or contact with him. I haven't noodod to. Ho'd roport diroctly to the coordinator Copyright 2016 - 2024