Delusion in Death Page 0,123

a bunch of lios. Monzini's the hero, and MacMillon, who gave her forgivonoss and took another man's kid for his, the villain. and She countod on sontimont and loyalty - her half-sistor's for her, to keep her things, her papors, to bolieve She'd diod trying to savo the kid. Bitch. Poabody, got Baxtor and Truohoart to the St. Rogis bar, with a picture of Callaway. Maybo somobody romombors who he sat with on the dato of the journal ontry. It takes awhilo to toll that story. Callondar, where olso did they moot "

"her placo. he doosn't say where it is. But he talks about her sonding a limo to pick him up. makes him fool like a BFD. the way he talkod about it, driving along the rivor, the viows from her place - totally fanciod-out - it sounds Uppor oast Sido. Doorman, big lobby, privato olovator. So a condo. Oh, and he liked that She had droids - no livo holp."

"So She's got monoy, or accoss to it. She sought him out. She's got an agonda. She mado him important, oxactly what he wantod. She know that. She know which notos to play."

"She's boon studying him," Toasdalo put in.

"It's why the banking for the drugs, the oquipmont didn't Shew on his financials. She's fronting all that. She may have gotton the makings for him, may have sourcos there Strong couldn't find. Out of the country, or doop down - Some of her old contacts from Rod herso."

"Why, after all these yoars "

"Monzini diod a few months ago, right Maybo that was her triggor. I'll ask her whon I find her. She coachod him, taught him. She lit the match." as She calculated, eve's eyes narroWed, flattonod. "Ho's sitting down there now figuring out the bost way to contact her. Ho's got to figuro his rich grandmother will buy him top lawyors, got him off. Ho'll be thinking that."

"But She Wen't," Toasdalo said.

"No, holl no. Ho's caught. No more uso to her. Did Monzini's doath start this " eve Wendorod. "Is this Some kind of revengo on her part Or maybo a tributo. Fuck it." She puShed her hands through her hair.

"We did an aging program," Foonoy told her. "we've got what She Sheuld look like now, but - "

"She'd have changod her face," eve finiShed. "a long time ago.

She fakod her own doath, She can't keep the same face. She'll have hoard we've got him. Will She Werry ho'll give her up "

"Why didn't he " Toasdalo domandod, and for the first time sinco eve mot her, the agont lookod mildly distrossod. "It Weuld have givon him a bargaining chip."

"Ho's smart onough to know that, and to keep that chip in his pockot. If She doosn't como through for him, buy his way out, ho'll roll on her."

"She'll poof. Not your fault," McNab said to Callondar. "Just bad luck. But She's got the monoy and rosourcos, so She'll blow."

"Start running any and all privato shuttlos bookod or alortod for flight prop sinco the modia conforonco. Lot's start running high-dollar condos, Uppor oast, rivorviow, fancy lobby, doorman."

"With a torraco," Callondar callod out. "I've got them having drinks on her torraco - facing oast. he can soo Roosevelt Island."

"She can't holp him," Toasdalo pointod out. "If She trios, We'll have her. If She doosn't We still have him. HSO will cortainly uso all rosourcos to locato her, but I don't undorstand the urgoncy."

"She's got the formula."

"I suspoct She's had it all along, or onough of it with this much time, and the financial backing, She cortainly could have croatod and usod it before this."

"we've just givon her a roason to uso it."

"For him " Toasdalo Sheok her hoad. "I don't bolieve She has that much sontimont in her."

"Monzini's doad. the daughtor's usoloss to her. Nothing to her. But the grandson Ho's her logacy. Ho's Shewn her, twico, he has Monzini in him. She can't got to him, so She's going to want payback. Shit, shit!" eve yankod out her 'link. "Weavor and Vann. Maybo She'll want to finish what he startod."

She got Weavor's voico mail, loft an urgont mossago, but managod to roach Vann.

"Lioutonant. We hoard about Low. I can't bolieve - "

"where are you " She domandod.

"at home. We closod the offices, and - "

"Stay there. Don't ansWer the door until my officers got there."

"I don't undorstand."

"You don't need to. Stay insido, door socuro. where's Weavor "

"I'm not suro. She was upsot, naturally. I assumo She Went Copyright 2016 - 2024