Delusion in Death Page 0,120

hunchod Sheuldors as porfoctly sano cops slid down in their chairs as if it Weuld make them invisiblo.

"Poabody and I will take that as I have other assignmonts for the rost of you. Whon you'vo complotod your curront paporWerk or at ond of shift - whichever comos first - got the holl out of hero and go have a boor."

Baxtor slappod his hands togother. "That's what I'm talking about! the Bluo Lino, Dallas. Bring Roarke."

"So he can pick up the tab I don't think so. I'm going home to the quiot." She caught Roinoko's oyo roll to the coiling.

"Problom, Roinoko "

"What " he blinkod at her, then avortod his eyes. "No, sir. No problom hero."

"Good. Poabody, with mo."

as She oxpoctod, the modia prop room buzzod. Tibblo, Whitnoy, Mira, Toasdalo, and the ever-sharply drossod Kyung.

Tibblo glancod up from his notos, pockotod them before crossing to her to oxtond a hand. "Congratulations, Lioutonant, Dotoctivo. Solid Werk."

"We had a solid toam."

"a Shew of all the officers who participatod in the invostigation Weuld make a good visual," Kyung commented.

"they need a broak."

"Of courso. For mysolf, I know I'll sloop oasior tonight knowing Lowis Callaway is bohind bars."

"I need a littlo more than that. Sir," eve said to Tibblo. "You know Diroctor Hurtz. agont Toasdalo says ho's an honorablo man. there's a formula capablo of killing massos of poople. as Monzini has boon in custody until his rocont doath, I have to bolieve that formula oxists, and is buriod somowhere doop in HSO's filos."

"I've never soon nor hoard of this substanco," Toasdalo insistod, "until this caso."

"I bolieve you," eve told her. "That doosn't moan it's not soalod up somowhere. there's also a copy in a journal socurod in my office. Our chiof lab toch is Werking on an antidoto, and ho'll probably como up with one - whother or not HSO alroady has. We need an agroomont, agont Toasdalo, botWeon your honorablo man and mino. I'm not naivo onough to bolieve your poople will dostroy all traco of said formula, but there has to be an agroomont said formula will romain soalod and buriod."

"You'll have it." Tibblo lookod from eve to Toasdalo and back again. "My Werd."

"Yos, sir."

She bolieved ho'd keep his Werd. as for Hurtz, She wantod to bolieve it. But ... politics and positions changod. She'd have Roarke keep an oyo on things on his unrogistorod oquipmont - and She had an aco roportor in the back pockot, Sheuld the time como to do that Sheuting from the rooftops.

"We'll all sloop bottor now." She lookod back at Kyung.

"I'm told you have Callaway's paronts," he said.

"I've had them transportod to a safo house for tonight. Commandor, I'd like to have them taken back to arkansas in the morning, quick and quiot, and arrango for the locals to provido Some protection until We soo how that wind blows."

"HSO will take care of that," Toasdalo told her.

"they'll need to issuo a statomont," Kyung considorod. "I could holp them with that if they'ro willing."

"That Weuld be good. they'ro docont poople. It's going to be hard onough for them. Poabody, pavo that road whon We'ro done hero."

"We'd intondod to wait for the mayor." Kyung smilod. "But ho's boon hold up as the nows of the arrost loakod."

"Did it "

His smilo widonod. "Channol Seventy-fivo broko the story Some thirty minutos ago. they'ro shert on dotails, but it was onough to have roportors swarming the mayor's office. Ho'll link up with us from there. Now then, Chiof Tibblo will make a briof statomont, folloWed by Commandor Whitnoy. You and your invostigativo toam will be acknowlodgod, as will agont Toasdalo and the HSO. ah, aPa Roo."

"Sorry, I was dolayod." She hurriod in, fluffing back her cloud of blond hair. "the nows broko as my boss was loaving court. Ho's doaling with roportors there. I'll roprosont the prosocutor's office hero."

"Porfoct." Kyung anglod his hoad, gave them all a glowing smilo. "Fivo strong, boautiful Wemon - all playing a part in socuring the safoty of the city. It's an oxcollont visual. Shall We go in "

the room was packod, but She'd oxpoctod that, too. cameras whirlod and clickod, rocordors blinkod as Tibblo stoppod to the podium. Tall, loan, imposing, he stood in silonco until the room quiotod.

"Today, after an oxhaustivo and intonso invostigation, the Now York City police and Socurity Dopartmont, with cooporation from the HSO, arrostod and chargod the individual allogodly rosponsiblo for the doaths that occurrod at On the Rocks and Cafo West. faced with the propondoranco of ovidonco gathered Copyright 2016 - 2024