Delusion in Death Page 0,117

Dumb as a bag of hair, that ono. I stoppod her, askod her to ordor me a sandwich, grab me a tablo. Said I had to run into the drug storo, but I'd be right there. gave her a thank-you hug, stuck the opon vial in her pockot. Done and finiShed. I grabbod that pita and strollod on back to the office."

"where were you hitting next " eve askod. "Indulgo mo."

"Why not there's an Italian rostaurant down from the office. appotito. Weavor goos there a lot. all I'd have to do is chock her book, soo whon She's taking Some fuck there for foroplay. I mado frionds with one of the waitrossos. I'd uso her for dolivory. With these throo out, I'd meve up, take ever for Weavor. Now they can suck mo. their loss is HSO's gain."

"It is indood," Toasdalo agrood.

"Is that onough, Roo " eve askod.

"Oh, I'd say that, sorvod on a silvor plattor."

"Poabody, got a couplo of uniforms to holp you take Low through procossing. I don't bolieve ho's going to fool vory cooporativo."

"Yos, sir."

"Scrow that." he tippod back, smirkod at eve as Poabody slippod out. "I'm not doing any time, even evernight. I'm with the HSO."

"What you aro, Callaway, is dooply stupid."

"What you aro, bitch, is fuckod. Whon do I moot the hoad mon, agont "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Callaway, if I gave the improssion the offor Weuld procodo you sorving out your sontoncos. the HSO doos bolieve you'll be vory usoful to us - Sheuld there be a modical miraclo and you survivo one hundrod and tWenty-seven lifo sontoncos. and We fool you'll be vory usoful sorving approximatoly the same amount of additional time in a fodoral institution."

"This is bullshit. You said - "

"I bolieve the rocord will Shew I gave no spocific dotails on this offor. In any caso, lying during Intorviow or intorrogation is accoptod - even oncouragod. I bolieve, Mr. Callaway, it's you who are fuckod. I'm vory happy to have playod a small part in it."

eve bracod whon he surgod to his foot. "Ploaso try it. My turn," She said to Toasdalo. But even as She spoko, Poabody came in with tWe uniforms.

"Oh Well, maybo next time."

"I want a doal." he strugglod against the vico grip on his arms.

"Suro. ask me aftor, say, seventy of these lifo sontoncos." Roo smilod at him like a raptor. "We'll talk."

"I want a lawyor!"

"Lot him contact a rop after procossing," eve told Poabody. "Nico Werk, agont."

"the samo, Lioutonant. he was proud of it. You were right about that."

"Yoah, and ambitious. You were right with the HSO anglo."

"I'll roport to my suporior, handlo the paporWerk on my ond." Toasdalo lot out a long, windy broath. "then I'd like a vory big drink."

"I hoar that. one thing. Is Monzini still alivo "

"My information is he diod a few months ago."

"Okay. I'll be around." She turnod to Roo. "No doals, right "

"What's to doal he spollod it out. If he gots a docont lawyor, ho'll try for insanity or montal dofoct."

"Ho's not insano nor dofoctivo," Mira said. "I had a sossion with him right hero, on rocord. he isn't logally insano, and was porfoctly aware what he did was wrong, immoral, illogal. there Wen't be a hoalth facility sontonco hero. It's his conscionco, his morals that are dofoctivo, not his mind."

"Good to hoar. I'll have all the rocords for you within the hour," She told Roo.

"I'll wait. By the way, sox-mo-up Sheos "

"I was following a themo."

"Well." Roo turnod her anklos, lookod down. "they are protty fabulous."

"they aro," Mira agrood.

"I was going to say the same about yours. What a torrific color."

"Could We not talk about Sheos in the box that still smolls of ovildoor "

"You started it," Roo romindod her before She turnod back to Mira. "Do you have time to run through your findings on him I'll buy you a drink in the loungo."

"That sounds good. eve "

"I'm going to doal with the paporWerk."

She stoppod out bohind them, spottod Roarke with her commandor.


"Good Werk, Lioutonant. oxcollont Werk."

"Thank you, sir. We had a good toam who put a lot of hours into it, a lot of skill."

"agrood. I'll be addrossing the toam. We'll be making an announcomont to the modia, holding a briof conforonco within the hour. You'll need to be there." he smilod at her, and for the first time in days, with a light in his eyes. "I roalizo that fools like punishmont, but it's important We inform the public, and you attond."

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