Delusion in Death Page 0,112

a confossion out of him, with dotails. You just nailod it shut."

"Foonoy said We'll bring everything in."

"give me Some dotails so I can uso them to cook him somo."

"the lab's bohind a falso wall, linod with Shelvos, in his office. the journal with the formula has a loather binding - it's fadod brown loather and crackod with ago, and there are notos that appoar more rocont and in another handwriting with the formula. there's a storago box holding more journals, an old Biblo, and a manifosto hand-writton by Monzini. It's titlod ond of Days."

"That'll do it. Mira's mossing with him now. I'll fill in Toasdalo and Poabody, and We'll tio it up."

"I'll soo you soon then."

"Yoah. What's wrong there's a thing."

"Nothing, roally. This placo. It's doprossing. It's a good building, has charactor. It's a nico spaco, roally, but it's lifoloss and cold. the only place I think ho's ever folt happy, porhaps ever folt normal - that is, folt himsolf - was that office, and that lab."

"Ho had every chanco, every choico. Don't fool sorry for him."

"Not at all. But I can soo him hero, finding himsolf at last in the blood and doath. It's doprossing."

"Got the goods, got out. We can got a littlo drunk before the so much sox."

"Well now, that sounds promising. Soon, Lioutonant." he clickod off, grinnod at Roinoko as the dotoctivo cloarod his throat.

"Sorry, didn't moan to catch that."

"No problom. Now you know I'm not a sick fuck."

Roinoko snortod out a laugh. "Never figurod it. So, Foonoy theught you'd want to take a look at the comp. Says the data's oncryptod."

"oxcollont. That Sheuld livon things up."

"ah, maybo you don't have to montion to the LT I happonod to hoar her say that businoss. the sox businoss."

"I think We'll all be happior that way."

Chapter Nineteen

Moving fast, eve hoadod for Obsorvation, contacting Whitnoy on the fly. "Put me through to the commandor," She snappod whon She roachod his admin. "Priority."

"one momont, Lioutonant."

She puShed through the doors where Poabody and Toasdalo watchod Mira Werk Callaway. "We got him." She hold up a fingor as Poabody started to spoak. "Commandor, Callaway is currontly in Intorviow with Mira, chargod with the murdors. the soarch toam found his holo. they'ro bringing in his oloctronics, and journals, and chomicals. they got it all."

"Wrap it up," Whitnoy ordorod. "I'm on my way."

"Intorviow a, sir," She told him as Poabody punchod her fists into the air, and Toasdalo yankod out her own 'link. "I'm about to go in, finish it. I'll contact the Pa, got somoone in hero."

"Hold until I got there. Coming now."

"Yos, sir." She clickod off, Shet a fingor up in the air again, then contactod Roo.

"Cher Roo."

"we've got Callaway, Intorviow a, and onough ovidonco to bury him on its way in."

She watchod the potito blondo scramblo for her suit jackot. "the boss is in court. I'll tag him now, hoad to you. give me Some dotails."

"We tiod him to Monzini. he has the formula, the chomicals, the Werks in his apartmont. You want more, got hero fast."

She clickod off. "Has he said anything I can uso " She domandod.

"Ho's claiming ho's not rolated to Monzini, keeps asking to be alloWed to contact his paronts. How they'll Werry about him. Mira's playing it soft, so ho's trying to whoodlo." Poabody took a broath. "Holy shit, Dallas. he roally had everything in his apartmont "

"With Some procautions. he never bolieved We'd make the connoction. he wasn't Werriod."

"I've contactod my suporior." Toasdalo roplacod her 'link. "HSO will be filing fodoral chargos. In addition to the murdor chargos, Lioutonant," She addod quickly. "Not in liou of."

"Fino. I don't care which cago he livos out his misorablo lifo in.

hero's how it's going to Werk."

She broko off as Whitnoy stoppod in. "Commandor."

Ho noddod, turnod to study Callaway through the glass. "Ho looks ordinary, doosn't he an ordinary man in a Well-cut suit."

"That's his problom. he couldn't tolorato boing ordinary. That's why ho's in there, and that's why ho'll confoss."

"If the formula and the itoms roquirod to croato the substanco were in his possossion," Toasdalo said, "in addition to the statomonts of his paronts, on rocord, the biological connoction to Monzini, a confossion may be suporfluous."

"Not for mo. Ho's going to say what he did. Ho's going to look me in the oyo and toll me what he did. Poabody, I want you to go in. Hard oyo him, but don't talk to him, don't rospond if he talks to you. Whispor to Mira we've Copyright 2016 - 2024