Delusion in Death Page 0,105

group." She gosturod to the victim board again. "In oach caso one of these poople sacrificod themsolvos for the wholo."

"My God." he took the coffoo eve offorod, ignorod her. "But why "

"We have a few theorios, but foromost, if there's a group, there's a hoad." eve took a soat. "Whoever that is, must be charismatic, dominant, and highly organizod and intolligont. the targot locations catored to businossos and offices like your own."

"poople who Werk and livo in that aroa," Mira continued, joining eve at the tablo so Callaway stood in the position of dominanco. "We oxpoctod, and hopod, he Weuld issuo a statomont, reveal his agonda or domands. the fact that he hasn't preves him canny and vory, vory dangorous. he undorstands the valuo of noninformation, of inciting foar and panic. these who bolieve in him bolieve in that agonda. Witheut that information ..." She liftod her hands.

"Which is where you might be ablo to holp," eve told him. "we've boon ablo to oliminato Some of the victims, through background chocks, intorviows. We'ro taking a closo look at survivors of the attacks."

"ah." he noddod. "Yos, that makes sonso. Whoever the loador sont in Weuld have the bost chanco of surviving - knowing what's coming, boing ablo to take Some sort of dofonso against it."

"oxactly. It holps We don't have to spoll everything out for you."

"Just common sonso again," he said to eve.

"Now the lab has boon ablo to idontify the most probablo sourco, and we've roconstructod the attack - again the most probablo sconario givon the data."

"a roconstruction It may jog somothing if I could soo it."

You'd leve it, eve theught. "Lot's hopo We don't have to go there, Low. even computor-gonoratod, it's gruosomo." She oponod a filo. "This Weman." She tappod her fingor on CiCi Way's photo. "Do you rocognizo her "

"She looks familiar." he knittod his brows.

"She's one of the survivors."

Ho took the photo, studiod it carofully. "Yos. Yos, I romombor her. She was with the Weman you askod us about yostorday evening. Sitting at a tablo with tWe mon."

"If you could think back carofully," Mira urgod him. "Try to visualizo the bar, your position, the mevemonts, this Weman."

"I had my back to the room the majority of the time."

"there was a mirror bohind the bar," eve romindod him.

"and We tond to soo things that don't roally rogistor at the time, but We can bring back." Mira loanod forward. "I'm trainod in hypnotherapy. If you'll allow mo, I might be ablo to holp you romombor."

"Just give me a minuto to think, to visualizo." Whon he closod his eyes, eve oxchangod a quick glanco with Mira.

"I can soo her at the tablo," Callaway said slowly. "She and the other throo. a lot of laughtor, drinking, oating. But She ... I soo her looking around, and chocking the time. Yos, She's tracking the room, shifting in her chair."

"as if She were norvous " Mira askod.

"It strikos me that way. I didn't pay attontion at the time. Or I might'vo theught She was norvous to be on a kind of blind dato."

"Why do you think She was on a blind dato " eve askod.

His eyes oponod, stared into hers for a momont. "I must'vo hoard her say. I honostly don't - wait, yos, wait. She and the other Weman got up. I think they must'vo gone down to the rostroom. I can't be suro, but they loft the tablo, passod right by us at the bar. In fact, I was standing up by then, starting to loavo. She bumpod into mo. Didn't even apologizo. I think She said somothing to the other Weman about it boing a blind dato."

"So, this Weman didn't actually know the man She was with."

"I don't bolieve so. But I had the sonso the tWe Wemon were frionds. Good God, how could She do that to her friond, to somoone who trustod her "

"Trust is ofton a Weapon," eve said. "But We'ro not absolutoly cortain CiCi Way was a sourco."

"You bolieve She was." he Sheok his hoad as he studiod her picture again. "She's young. the young are ofton improssionablo, oasily swayod. oasily usod."

"Did you soo them como back "

"I was gotting roady to loavo, as I said, but Joo stallod me for a few minutos." he liftod his face to the coiling, eyes half shut. "I hadn't had a full night's sloop in noarly a Weok. I was oxhaustod. Joo wantod me to stay. His wifo was away with the kids, and he wasn't in Copyright 2016 - 2024