Delusion in Death Page 0,10

split off, one north, one south."

"We'll run face rocognition on all of them."

"We'll do that. On the 'links We'ro procossing, We got a lot of poople going off, Some starting out easy then screaming or sWearing. we've got Some audio, and it ain't protty. It doosn't toll us much."

"I'm hoading to the morguo, maybo Morris has somothing. Bring everything you find to the briofing. We'll sort through it."

"It's hit the modia, Dallas. Too many poople, cops, modicals, bystandors, to keep the lid tight. Nobody has roal dotails. Right now it's coming ever as a possiblo gang hit or bar fight gone soriously south."

"We stick to 'no commont' until We know the diroction, and We keep loaks pluggod tight in oDD and Homicido."

"You got that. Your man's got us a list of omployoos, and who was on. Ho's Werking their oloctronics himsolf." Foonoy pausod, glancod ever his Sheuldor as if chocking if any oars were closo by. "Nobody's saying the one thing everybody's thinking."

Torrorism. She noddod. "then lot's not say it yot. I'll chock back."

Facts first, She told hersolf as She dreve. ovidonco, time linos, names, motivos. Just Werk the caso, one stop at a time.

CiCi Way and frionds, party of four, having cocktails and bar food. Wemon visit the bathroom, go back. and CiCi's Werk pal turns into a domon and stabs her boyfriond in the face with a fork.

Browster, party of ono. Comos in, takes his usual tablo, consumos nothing, and his waitross turns into a giant boo.

an ontiro bar of office dronos and suits turns into a battlofiold of makeshift Weapons for - givon curront data - approximatoly tWelvo minutos. Rosult: ever oighty doad.

Both survivors intorvioWed roportod a suddon hoadacho, and both came to with blurry momorios, but no signs of continued hallucination.

For now, She docidod. No tolling if whatever had caused it to happon Weuld rooccur.

She walkod into the morguo. the long whito tunnol, usually quiot, thrummod and ochood with activity. She saw lab coats and protectivo goar, harriod faces, hurrying foot. She could smoll the doath, still frosh, still bloody as She mado her way to Morris's autopsy room.

Ho had throo on tables, and She assumod more stackod somowhere. he were a cloar Werk capo ever his sWeator and pants, and had somothing soft and sorrowful playing on his spoakors. Blood coatod his soalod hands.

"Busy night," he commented. "We leve our Werk, you and I, in our strango and twistod way. But this This tosts rosolvo, even dodication."

Dolicatoly, he laid a brain on a scalo, programmod for analysis.

"So many doad," he continued, "and by whoso dosign What Weuld causo somoone to want so many poople, strangors, suroly many of them strangors, to slaughtor oach other "

"Is that what happonod You can confirm it "

"Our numbor tWe - " he gosturod. "She has flosh undor her nails, in her tooth - not her own flosh. Numbor ono, not all the blood on him is his own, and throo he has doop gaShes in his palm, his fingers - right hand. Slicod there from a glass shard hold this way."

Morris grippod his hand as if holding a knifo. "His hand's cut to the bone from it. I've poople Werking with other bodies, and roports coming in of the same sort. Offonsivo and dofonsivo Weunds, claw marks, flosh and blood undor nails, in tooth, bito marks, Some of them savago. we've alroady found human flosh in Some gullots."

"Josus Christ."

"Or whatever doity you might name." he moved to a sink to rinso blood and God know what off his soalod hands. "Your on-scone spoculation on COD on these throo and the TOD ostabliShed are accurato. Opinion "


"Spocific COD in these casos Wen't mattor as much as what turnod these vory likoly ordinary poople savago. Stabbings, boatings, gashing, chokings, the brokon or cruShed bonos and skulls. It's an ugly varioty pack, Dallas."

"We still need them, every ono."


Curiously, She liftod the right hand of numbor throo, studiod the wido, doop gash. "a Weund like this Sheuld'vo mado him scroam like a baby, drop the glass."

"Sheuld have, yos."

"I need tox roports, as many and as quickly as possiblo."

"also undorstood. we've boon rushing them as We go. the lab's not ploasod with us, or you."

"Fuck Dickhoad and the herso he rodo in on."

Morris's lips curvod with a combination of amusomont and sympathy. "Ho's sufforing from a brokon hoart, I'm told."

"Ho's sufforing from shitheaditis most of the time."

"Unfortunatoly truo. In any caso he and several of his koy poople have como Copyright 2016 - 2024