Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,57

woods to hide until the cartel leader and his men were gone. The farther away she was, the better. Especially if El Chefe was taking the SUV she was supposed to be hiding behind.

El Chefe backed toward the door, holding Alejandra in a chokehold. His men followed, also backing toward the door, their AK-47s pointed at Rafe and Hank.

“If they move, shoot the woman,” El Chefe said. Then he backed through the door and out onto the porch.

A loud crack rang out in the darkness.

The cartel gunmen turned toward the sound.

At that moment, Rafe sprang at the man nearest him, grabbed his rifle and shoved it up in the air.

Hank went for the one on his side and did the same.

Rafe’s guy pulled the trigger, shooting a hole in the ceiling. They struggled for control of the weapon. Fueled by searing anger and pure determination, Rafe slammed the weapon into the man’s face. It hit the guy’s nose with a sickening crunch. Blood gushed from his nose, and his eyes teared. His grip weakened on the gun.

Rafe seized control and slammed the butt up hard, catching the man in the chin. He fell backward, hitting his head against wall. He slid down, knocked out cold. Rafe flipped him over, yanked the cord from the nearby curtains and tied the man’s wrists together behind his back and leaped to his feet.

Hank had the other man on the ground, the AK-47 pressed against his throat.

The man’s face was turning purple as he choked off his air supply.

Rafe ran for the door. He had to stop El Chefe before he got away with Alejandra and her baby. And he had to find Briana.

With his gun in his hand, Rafe stepped through the door. What he saw made his heart leap into his throat.

Alejandra stood on the ground below the porch, holding her baby close to her chest. “Please, don’t hurt her.”

The Devil Boss stood nearby with his hand twisted in Briana’s hair, a knife pressed to her throat, blood trickling from a gash on the side of his head. “Bitch,” he said through clenched teeth, swaying slightly. “I should have killed you in El Salvador. Eres un problema.”

Alejandra spoke in rapid Spanish, her voice passionate, desperate. Then in English, she said, “Kill her, and I will expose all of your clients, in every country.”

“If you do not come with me, I will kill her.” He lifted his chin and winced. “Who will win this argument?”

Briana captured Rafe’s gaze and mouthed the words, Shoot him. Then she slammed her head backward, hitting El Chefe in the nose. The arm holding the knife shook.

Before he could tighten his hold, Briana cocked her arm and jammed her elbow into his side then ducked.

Rafe aimed and shot the cartel leader in the chest.

El Chefe’s eyes rounded. The knife fell from his hand, and he clutched his chest. “Debería haberte matado.” He fell to the ground and lay still.

Alejandra walked over to the man and pushed his face with her foot. “But you didn’t kill her.” She spit on him and turned away, holding Bella close. “And I am thankful for the woman who was kind to this stranger.” She hugged Briana and let the tears fall.

Hank ran out on the porch, breathing hard, a bruise turning purple on his cheek. “Is he dead?”

Rafe descended the steps, holding his gun out in front of him. He nudged the cartel leader with his foot then bent to feel for a pulse at the base of his throat.

“He’s dead,” Rafe said and stood. He went to Briana and pulled her into his arms.

Hank ran back into the house. Moments later, he emerged with his wife and daughter. “Sadie said Maddog went out to the barn to check on the horses because they were making a lot of noise. He didn’t come back.” He handed Emma to Sadie. “I’m going to check on him.”

“I’ll go with you.” He handed his gun to Briana. “You know how to use it.”

She nodded. “Be careful.”

Rafe followed Hank out to the barn behind the house. As they approached, they could hear the muffled sound of someone yelling and pounding on the wall inside. The barn door had been wedged shut with a two-by-four board jammed into the dirt.

Rafe kicked it out of the way and flung open the door. The yelling grew louder.

“He’s in the tack room.” Hank flipped a switch on the wall. Nothing happened. “They cut the power to the barn.” He turned Copyright 2016 - 2024