Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,52

like Briana. He wanted Briana.

As they came to a halt fifty yards from the compound’s gate, the lead vehicle stopped, and the men climbed out, standing with their doors open, providing a little protection from potential gunfire.

The gate opened, and several of El Chefe’s men emerged.

Rafe held his breath, waiting for the most important person to come out of the compound. When she did, he let go of the breath and tightened his hand on his rifle.

Briana stood between two large men, each holding one of her arms. Behind her stood a man with black hair and a black mustache, wearing a white guayabera shirt and dark trousers. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes narrowed, surrounded by his men who would take bullets to protect him should anyone decide to start shooting.

Alejandra squared her shoulders, her face pale beneath her naturally dark complexion. “It’s time.” She leaned close to Hank. “Thank you for helping me. If this plan does not work out, promise to take care of my child. She needs a good home and the love of a family.”

“We’re going to get you out of this,” Hank said.

Alejandra stared hard into his eyes. “Promise.”

Hank nodded.

Alejandra turned to Rafe. “I will do my best to make sure your woman gets out alive. Be ready to grab her and get her out of El Salvador. El Chefe does not forgive or forget when someone crosses him. If he lives through this, he will seek his revenge.”

“Our goal today is to get you and Briana out of here alive,” he said.

She cupped his cheek and gave him a gentle smile. “You love her, don’t you?”

He nodded without realizing it.

“In some ways, you are like him.” She jerked her head toward the compound. “You care enough to go after her.”

Rafe frowned. He never wanted to be compared to the cartel leader.

Alejandra raised a hand. “The difference is, you would let her go, if that was what she wanted.”

He wouldn’t like it, but he couldn’t keep someone who wasn’t his.

Hank got out of the driver’s seat and opened the back door. Rafe got out of the back seat and held out his hand to Alejandra.

She took it and let him help her out. Once her feet were on the ground, she leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for coming with me.” Then as she stepped away, she plucked one of his grenades off his vest and smiled. “Be ready.”

“What the—” Rafe took a step after the woman.

Hank caught his arm. “Let her. She has a plan. We need to be ready.”

He glared at Hank. “You knew?”

He tightened his jaw and nodded.

“What if it goes off when she’s near Briana?”

“She knows how to use it.”

Rafe shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.”

Alejandra called out in Spanish, and then in English. “Let her go. We meet halfway. Alone.”

The Devil Boss said something to his two men.

They released their hold on Briana and stepped back, forming a wall between El Chefe and the Americans.

Hank and Rafe passed the other Brotherhood Protectors standing behind the doors of the front vehicle and stood ready to help in whatever way they could.

Alejandra and Briana walked toward each other.

Rafe prayed the cartel men didn’t see the grenade or they might shoot her before she got close enough to make the grenade count. If she’d already pulled the pin and they shot her, the grenade could kill both women.

Rafe’s muscles bunched. He’d be ready to run in and grab Briana as soon as she got close enough.

God, he didn’t like this. His breath caught and held in his lungs as the scene played out in front of him in excruciatingly slow motion.

He’d been involved in a lot of high-risk, high body-count battles, but this one had him the most on edge because he had very little control over what might happen. All he could do was be ready to respond and hope the Deltas were in good positions to pick off the cartel members before they could pick off Briana and Alejandra.

Briana had spent the afternoon pacing in her prison. Time dragged so slowly she thought she might go crazy. She even did pushups and sit-ups to keep fit while confined. If she stayed much longer, she considered making marks on the wall to count the days.

She’d finally laid on the cot and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep so that time would seem to pass quicker. Sleep wouldn’t come. Not long Copyright 2016 - 2024