Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,89

Christmas had taken on an entirely new meaning for me and my family.

That’s why I decided that getting married between Christmas and New Year’s would be a perfect way to celebrate my new favorite holiday.

When I’d married Greg, he had chosen every aspect of the wedding, including my dress. And I thought that had been my only chance to get married. I had given up on the idea. Until Mason came along.

I stared into the mirror and swirled around in my princess ball gown. Skyler told me that I had to wear a ballgown, and I agreed with her. It was the one chance a grown woman like me could feel like a princess. How could I not jump at the chance? I had always been so down to earth in every other way, but not for my wedding day.

A faux fur shrug wrapped around my shoulders, sheltering me from the cold. My blonde hair was pulled back into a soft updo, tendrils curled around my face. My makeup really drew out the blue in my eyes, and I knew that Skyler would tell me I reminded her of Elsa when she saw me, a compliment I would most gladly take.

“Ready to show everyone?” Penelope asked, smiling from behind me.

I hadn’t really had many female friends before, but since joining the Harvey family, I got really close to both Emmy and Penelope. Both were strong, beautiful women that I was proud to call sisters.

Speaking of Emmy, she was to the other side, wiping her eyes with a napkin. “Weddings always make me emotional,” she said, her hand resting on her growing belly.

“Sure it isn’t the pregnancy hormones kicking in again?”

She was already working on baby number two, and I couldn’t be happier for her and Graham.

Our family was continuing to grow, and Skyler had so many cousins and aunts and uncles… She was one happy girl. Especially since Mason was able to legally adopt her. She asked him one day out of the blue if she could call him dad, and he agreed. We were still in therapy, dealing with the problems her own father had caused. There was so much I hadn’t known about Greg, about how he had tried to control her when she was with him. He didn’t want to sign over his rights initially, but once he got his sentence - fifty years, as we suspected he would - he likely realized there was no way he’d be able to be her father. He wasn’t happy about it, but he signed his rights over, which allowed Mason to be her legal father.

And soon, I will be his wife, I thought.

The door to the room opened, and I heard Skyler’s voice. “Wow, you look beautiful,” she gushed as I turned to face. “Just like Elsa.”

I knew my daughter so well. Her love for Disney princesses was something I hoped she never fully grew out of.

My daughter was in her flower girl dress, which was like a mini version of mine. She had always wanted to look like a princess, and we found a ball gown that was fitting for her with a poofy skirt that she loved spinning around in.

I hugged my little girl and asked her, “Are you ready?”

“I am, and so is Oscar. He seems to know something is going on.”

I chuckled, imagining the sweet Great Dane dressed in his suit. Yes, we dressed a Great Dane as a ring bearer, one of Skyler’s requests. Calvin was okay with us borrowing his dog for the day, and Oscar was well-behaved enough to make it work.

“Look who also came to see you before you walked down the aisle,” Graham’s voice came from the hallway. He stepped into the room, MJ in his arms. Sam followed him with Elianna.

I covered my mouth as I saw my adorable twins dressed in their wedding best. They were walking fairly well now, even if a bit wobbly. And they had grown so much in the last year. Elianna was a little small for her age still, and she might always be, but her big smile more than made up for it.

They placed the twins down and they wobbled over to me. I hugged them both tightly as Elianna tugged at my skirt. MJ pulled at my necklace with his grabby little hands, curious about what Momma was wearing around her neck.

“Our mommy is so pretty, isn’t she?” Skyler asked. “Just imagine it, Elli, one day, you’re going to wear a Copyright 2016 - 2024