Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,77

would need for the next week. I did as he asked, but I had no idea where we were going.

We drove for about an hour, going deeper into the mountains. I was grateful for his truck and the chains on his tires on the switchback roads. My stomach was getting a little restless as the roads became more twisty. Mason was a good driver, thank God, because at times, there were no guardrails on the side and we were going up, up, and up with no end in sight.

“We’re here,” Mason said as we pulled into a driveway.

“Where’s here?”

“You’ll see in a second.”

We drove around a curve, and I gasped, sitting up taller in my seat. “That view… I’ve lived here all my life, and I’ve never seen anything like that.”

We were at the top of a mountain, overlooking the valleys below. Snow-capped mountains glistened in the distance, covered in a blanket of whiteness. The icicles on the trees were like crystal ornaments, the sunlight glinting off them nearly blinding.

And off to our right was a cabin.

Mason parked the truck outside the cabin. “I knew you were going to be sad this week, so I asked Eli to watch over the critters for us and thought you would enjoy a vacation. I think they’re called babymoons? That’s what Emmy told me.”

I leaned over in the seat and stopped him mid-sentence with a kiss. His lips were warm against mine, and his beard tickled my face. I stroked his cheeks as I kissed him deeply.

“I love it,” I whispered against his mouth. “Thank you, Mason.”

“Anything to help you relax,” he said. “You deserve it after all the shit you’ve been through the last six months or so.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “No one has ever been so kind to me before,” I said, choking on my words.

His fingers grazed the side of my face. “You deserve it all, and more,” he said softly. “And just so you don’t have to worry, there’s a hospital in the town not too far from here. Just in case.”

“Just in case, yes. You’ve thought of everything.”

“I want to take care of you, Danielle.”

“Thank you.” My voice was almost too soft for him to hear. I leaned my face into his palm and cherished the feeling of his rough skin against my face.

“Are you ready to go inside? I think you’re going to love the view from the inside even more,” he said.

“Oh yes, of course.”

He helped me out of the truck and made sure to keep a good grip on me as we walked up the steps into the cabin.

“The caretaker said he would start a fire before we arrived, so it should be warm and toasty for us.” Mason opened the door.

The fire was going in the stone fireplace on the other side of the room, and when I entered, it was the first thing I noticed. I looked around me and my eyes widened. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking a back porch, which seemed to be hanging over the side of the mountain, surprised me with the beauty. I walked over to the window, feeling a little shaky just looking at how close we were to the edge, but the view was to die for. Down in the valley was a giant lake turned to ice. Nearby, was a waterfall which appeared to be frozen with icicles hanging from the cliff above the lake. I could snow and mountains as far as the eye could see.

“Do you like it?” Mason asked, stepping up beside me.

“Like it? I love it!” I exclaimed, my voice hushed.

“Good,” he said. His voice wavered, and I looked over at him to make sure he was okay. And I saw something in his hand, what looked like a small box.

“Mason, is that…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Mason dropped to one knee and held out the little blue box. He flipped it open and my heart nearly stopped beating. My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped. My knees felt like jelly, and I had to steady myself against the window.

A massive diamond ring winked at me, glistening like the icicles on the trees outside and about as thick as some of them too.

My gaze moved past the diamond and stared deep into Mason’s eyes. I had sworn to myself that I would never get married again, that I could never trust again. But that was before I had met Mason Harvey.

“Danielle, will you marry me?” he asked.

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