Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,75

the password box, and just like that, the computer came to life. I was right - he really was a fucking amateur, and he made this almost too easy. I took Eli’s place at the computer and pulled up Outlook.

King didn’t even sign out of his e-mail. He liked to act all big and professional and shit, but we’d worked with real pros before and he definitely wasn't one of them. I was grateful to him for making our job easier.

I scrolled through his e-mail and moved to his sent folder. That’s where I found the real gold. An e-mail from Greg. The door of the office opened, and for a second, my heart skipped a beat until I saw who it was.

“Shit, Graham,” I grumbled, listening to his quiet laugh.

“Find anything?” he whispered as he stepped closer.

“Yep, look at this.”

I pointed to a string of e-mails between Greg and Jim. Greg had asked about the debt with Danielle, and he told him that it was his hope that Jim would get the property because if Danielle were homeless, he could seek full custody. Jim wanted the property to develop it for commercial purposes. It would be a win-win for them if Danielle failed to make her payments. The two men talked about ways to get Greg custody of his daughter and to get Danielle out of the picture, though no mention of a fire or anything illegal.

We heard a sound above us. Someone was moving around upstairs. We all held our breath.

“We need to go,” Graham mouthed.

Though he was right, we had nothing really. Nothing except for a motive. No proof that either one did anything illegal to get Danielle out of the house.

My eyes fell on Jim’s cell phone on the desk.

“Let’s go, now,” Eli ordered.

I closed out of everything on the computer, and as my brothers headed for the door to make sure the coast was clear, I grabbed the cell phone off the desk and stuffed it into my pocket. I quickly wiped down everything to get rid of our fingerprints as Graham motioned for me to hurry up.

We slipped into the hall, quietly as possible except our hearts thundering in our chests. The sound of a toilet flushing above us caused us to freeze, then we heard more footsteps. Hopefully, whoever it was went back to bed.

Graham looked around the corner and the coast was clear. Eli pointed toward the front door, and in one quick movement, the three of us rushed toward it. Graham opened it quietly and we slipped out the front, closing it behind us. We made a beeline for the street and then to our truck. We didn’t stop running until we were locked tightly in the vehicle.

“Doors are locked, alarms back in place. Cameras operating as usual,” Eli announced.

“Can you see inside, by chance?”

“Hold on, one second… I might be able to hack into the cameras.”

Eli tapped away at the screen, and sure enough, he got in. He handed the tablet to me. Every room was dark and quiet. No movement whatsoever. Whoever had been moving around upstairs had likely gone back to bed, no wiser to the fact that we’d been inside the house. I let out a relieved breath as I started the truck.

“I’m sorry we didn’t find much,” Graham said quietly from the passenger’s seat. “But at least it’s a start. We know Greg and Jim are talking, and they both have the same goal in mind - to get Danielle off that property.”

The cell phone was burning a hole in my pocket. I knew I couldn’t keep it a secret for long. I’d need Eli’s tech expertise to hack into it.

“We may find something on this.” I handed the phone to Eli.

Graham stared at me. “What is that?”

“It’s King’s phone. I grabbed it off his desk when we left.”

“Shit, man. Don’t you think he’s gonna miss his damned phone?”

I shrugged. “He’ll have no proof anyone has been in the house. We’re good.”

Eli and Graham shared a look, but I kept my eyes on the road.

“Can you hack into it, Eli?”

“It’s a Samsung,” he mumbled, looking at it. “I believe I have everything we need at home.”

“Good, thank you,” I said. “Hopefully we find something on it before the bastard realizes it’s missing.”

As soon as we reached the rental, Eli went to work. He managed to hack into the phone easily, as it simply required a password - which was actually the last four digits of the Copyright 2016 - 2024