Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,70

was currently black.


He shook himself but didn’t look at me. “Yes?”

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to ask him. “Say something, please.”

“I don’t know what to say. I think I need to sit down,” he mumbled. He backed toward the nearest chair, fell into it, and placed his head in his hands.

Another knock on the door.

Mason seemed speechless, so I answered. “Come in.”


The ride back to the rental was just as quiet as the ride to the doctor’s office. I knew Mason was processing the news and kept reminding myself that I trusted him - he was a good guy; he wouldn’t leave me and his children.

Still, the silence was weighing on me.

When we got back to the house, I noticed the guys weren’t there. It was just him and me. And I decided we needed to have a talk.

“I need to know what this means for us,” I stammered as soon as we were inside the house.

“What do you mean?”

My eyes stung, but I held back the tears. I trust Mason, I kept repeating to myself.

“If you can’t handle this, Mason, you need to let me know now so I can make plans for myself and my kids—”

Mason closed the distance between us and wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling my face into his chest. “Danielle don’t even think like that. I'm not going anywhere, I promise you.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, clinging to him. “You’ve just been weird today, and that scares me.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” he said, lifting my face in his hands to look me in the eye. “It scares me a bit. The thought that I am responsible for not just you and Skyler, but two babies as well? I’m terrified I won’t be able to do that - that I won’t be a good father.”

“Oh Mason…” I stroked his face, and he leaned into my hand, kissing the palm. “I see the way you are with Skyler. You’re going to be an amazing father.”

“I hope so. It’s just—“ He stopped and pressed his lips together.

“What?” I urged.

He closed his eyes, and at first, I thought he might be shutting me out. But the words spilled out of his mouth. He told me about his ex, how she died and blamed himself for it. How he didn’t trust himself to be there when I or his children needed him.

My heart ached as he told me his secrets, but I was also grateful. It was clear this man hadn’t talked to many people about this, that he was confiding in me in ways he hadn’t anyone else. And when he opened his eyes, I swear I saw tears in them.

“You won’t let us down, Mason,” I told him, clenching his hand tightly. “I know you won’t. What happened with Katie was tragic, but it was not your fault.”

“That’s what Calvin tells me too.”

“Calvin is a smart man. He’s been to war too; he knows more than most of us will ever know. Trust him, Mason. Believe him.”

“I’m trying,” he said softly.


Every day, Danielle checked the mail for the insurance check. She let me make the first payment to Jim, though it took some fighting. Now with the balance coming due, she was still fighting me - insisting the check would arrive any day.

She was very pregnant, and I tried not to stress her out too much. We were coming up on five months, and according to doctors, multiples were often born early. We were doing everything we could to keep the babies in her belly for as long as possible,

“I can’t believe I have to let her stay with him for an entire week,” Danielle griped, nibbling on her fingernail. She was laying on the couch, her round belly poking out from her maternity shirt.

Skyler was in bed, so she could talk freely after the call with Greg. She hid her emotions so well around her daughter, but now she could reveal her true feelings. Pregnancy hormones likely didn’t make it easier on her.

I sat beside her, with her feet in my lap. I rubbed them, trying to help with the aching and swelling.

“But at least we will get her for Christmas,” I attempted.

“Yeah, I guess. Just an entire week without her,” she said, her voice sad. “It’s going to kill me, especially after what he tried.”

I agreed with her. We had talked about taking it to court, to try and fight him for custody, but every lawyer we spoke to said that as Copyright 2016 - 2024