Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,49

Frank?” a voice called out from somewhere in the house.

“It’s no one, sir,” Frank responded.

“Jim King? Is that you?” I yelled, towering over Frank and looking deeper into the house. “I have money for you.”

That’s all it took to get the old bastard to make an appearance. When dealing with greedy snakes like him, you have to know the way to their heart. And judging by the gaudy gold bannisters and massive chandelier hanging over the entryway, Jim King was easily convinced by money.

“I can handle this, Frank,” Jim said.

Frank stepped aside, but he eyed me carefully. “I just have to push a button,” he reminded me before letting Jim step into the doorway.

Now, I’d seen Jim in his ads and shit, but seeing the man in real life was a different story.

“I thought you’d be taller,” I said dryly.

The man was rounder than he appeared on screen, which made me think he was photoshopped. His hair was thinner too. But that face… Well, I’d recognize the face of a rat anywhere.

“Do I know you?” he asked.

“No, you don’t, but I know you.” I held out a wad of cash that made Jim’s eyes bulge out of his head. Seeing the look on his face, I was grateful I’d had the foresight to drive back into town and grab some money.

“There’s more where this came from too,” I said.

“Come inside,” he said, motioning for me to follow him into his house. “Let’s talk in my office.”

I knew how to speak Jim King’s language apparently. As I followed King into the house, I winked at the butler. Frank scowled at me as he closed the door behind me.

The foyer of his house, larger than some people’s entire homes, and had a wrap-around staircase leading up to a second level which overlooked the first. A massive crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and everything was accented with gold. I was certain Jim expected me to compliment his home, but the first description that came to my mind was tacky, so I kept my thoughts to myself.

We walked down a short set of stairs and down a hallway. He opened the door and waved me into his office.

The room was larger than it needed to be with a fireplace in one corner and several leather couches surrounding it. A mini bar was set up in the back of the room. Jim’s desk was in the middle of the space, facing floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the mountains.

Jim motioned for me to take a seat in a leather chair while he sat behind the cherry wood desk. He steeped his fingers in front of him and narrowed his gaze.

“I already told him I’m not interested in his proposition. So unless he wants to sweeten the deal, my answer remains the same.”

“I think you have me confused with someone else,” I said, placing the wad of cash on his desk. “I’m here to pay off Danielle Baker’s loan.”

Jim broke out into a fit of laughter and stood up from the desk. My gaze stayed on him as he walked over to the mini bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He didn’t offer me one, nor would I have taken one if he had. He turned back around and leaned against the bar.

“She’s motivated, I have to give her that,” Jim said, taking a large swig from his glass. “But it doesn’t work that way, Mr… I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

I stood up from the chair and walked closer to him. “Mason. You can just call me Mason.”

“Alright, Mason,” the man said in a demeaning tone of voice. “Let me explain our contract to you. I will not accept cash; the loan can only be paid by check.”

I pulled out my check book, which I had stowed away in my back pocket. “I thought you might say that.”

Jim shook his head and put his empty glass down on the bar. “No, see, I will only accept a check from Ms. Baker herself.”

“It says that in the contract?” I asked. “Because that sounds pretty stupid. You’d think you would want to get paid no matter what.”

“Yeah, but when you deal with customers like I do, you learn that unless the check comes from them directly, there’s likely illegal activity going on. Usually stolen checks.”

“It isn’t stolen, I assure you. You can check my ID and verify that the check is coming from my account.”

Jim shook his head again and gave me a smug look Copyright 2016 - 2024