Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,38

guys. That includes you, Mason, since last time I checked, you were part of this business too.”

“Yeah, sorry,” I grumbled, taking a seat close to Graham. “I’ve just got a lot going on.”

“As do we all,” Eli said. “It’s no excuse to keep showing up late and missing meetings. In fact, that’s why I called this meeting. There’s been too much of that shit from all three of you lately, and it’s seriously hurting our business.”

Eli was the youngest of the four of us, but with the furrowed brow and the frown lines, he appeared older than he was. It didn’t help that his arms were crossed in front of his chest and he stared down at the three of us like a disappointed father scolding his rowdy teens who’d gotten caught past curfew with booze.

But we were all grown men, and I wasn’t putting up with this shit

However, it was Graham who spoke. “Listen, I know we could use a boost to the business, but I have to admit, with a baby on the way, I really need to take a step back.”

“Yeah, me too,” Sam chimed in. “I have four of them coming. With multiples, there’s a lot of extra concerns. And we need to get the house finished or find a place big enough for the six of us very soon.”

It was perfect timing for me. “I need to take a step back too. For personal reasons.”

Graham and Sam turned toward me, but unlike Eli, their looks were more curious than angry.

“Oh yeah? What’s going on, Doc?” Graham asked, calling me by the nickname he’d given me after he’d found out I chose the medic path in the military. “I know I’ve been busy, but I really need to catch up with you guys.”

“Stop it,” Eli said, holding his hands up. His voice was thunderously loud and mostly a growl. “I didn’t call this meeting to discuss our personal lives. We really need to focus on work. I understand that Graham and Sam might need to step aside for a bit, but Mason, you don’t have a kid on the way. There’s no excuse.”

I swallowed hard, not wanting to say something I’d regret. I didn’t want to break the news to my brothers like this – in anger and frustration. “I have my own reasons.”

Eli growled and lunged toward where I was sitting. I stood up, topping him by only a couple inches. “Listen, I’m doing everything these days, with little to no help from any of you,” he said. “This was supposed to be our business, but lately I feel like my own family is abandoning me, leaving me out to dry, and it isn’t right.”

“Stand down, Eli,” Graham said, standing up and stepping between the two of us. “I’m sure Mason has legitimate reasons. Don’t you, Doc?”

“I do.”

“What reasons? What could be more important than family?” Eli asked, glowering at me.

“Nothing is more important than family. I just have more going on than this security firm, and you act like this needs to be my entire fucking life.”

“It would be nice if it was even a small part of your life, but you can’t be bothered to come to meetings, help with clients or even work gigs right now. And from where I’m standing, you’re leaving it all up to me since you know our brothers have shit going on.”

“I have shit going on too,” I growled. “Just because I don’t tell you guys everything doesn’t mean I don’t have things other than this business to think about.”

Graham placed a hand on my shoulder, moving me backward. Sam was standing and talking to Eli, trying to calm him down.

“Mason, man,” Graham said. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

“I will. I’ll tell everyone when I’m ready, and on my own terms.”

Blood was rushing through my veins, and my fists were balled at my sides. I was angry. Not at Eli, but myself. He was right. I was letting everything fall on him. But what choice did I have? My heart wasn’t fully in the business anymore. I wanted something more.

And there was the baby…

My head was spinning as I thought about Danielle and our child.

Suddenly it felt like the large living room was caving in around me. Sam walked over to us, and that made me feel claustrophobic. I took a step back and found myself up against the wall.

“I need some air,” I said. I pushed myself away from them and hurried toward the door.

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