Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,34

edge. Our bodies writhed in pleasure as we came together.

Mason stayed inside me but lifted his head. He kissed my forehead, then my nose before moving to my lips. Soft, sweet kisses that warmed my insides.

And we stayed like that - our bodies united - for a few moments, just kissing and holding each other. The after-sex bliss had pushed any and all anxiety from my brain, and I relished the feeling of his slick, hot skin against mine.

My eyes were growing heavy from exhaustion, and by the time Mason rolled over beside me, I was already half asleep. He wrapped his big, strong arms around me, spooning me from behind. The last thought I had before passing out was of how perfectly my body fit against his.


A little voice pulled me from my sleep. “Mommy.”

I opened my eyes, taking a second to orient myself and my surroundings. I was in my bed, but something was different. It was still dark in the room, and it took a few moments for my eyes to adjust. I saw the bedroom door opened just a crack, and Skyler was peering inside the bedroom.

Then I remembered what had happened the night before.

Shit, I thought to myself, scrambling to sit up.

I was wrapped snugly in the sheet so nothing was exposed, and the bed, while warm, was empty beside me. While I was relieved that my daughter wouldn’t see anything she wasn’t supposed to see, I searched the still dark room for any sign of Mason.

The bathroom door was closed, and the light peeked out from underneath. The shower was running.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “What is it, baby?” I asked, pulling at the sheet just to make sure nothing was exposed.

“I’m hungry,” Skyler said.

I glanced at the clock on my phone. It was 5:30 in the morning. Skyler, unlike me, had always been a morning person.

The shower in the bathroom shut off, and I hopped out of bed before the door could open, just in case Mason had any idea to step out of the bathroom sans clothes. I made sure the sheet was still wrapped around my body.

The bathroom door creaked open just as I got to it, and I whispered, “Wait! Skyler is in here.”

The door stopped opening.

“Who’s in there, Mommy?” Skyler asked, the bedroom door now opened wider. She had walked into the room during my little anxiety attack, joined by Zeus at her side.

“Um, Mr. Mason is here fixing Mommy’s shower.” I hated lying to my daughter, but I refused to tell her the truth about this. “Listen, let Mommy get dressed really fast, and I’ll make you some breakfast, okay?”

“Pancakes? Pretty please?”

“Sure, whatever you want, honey.” I just wanted her to step out of the room to give both Mason and I a moment to sort ourselves out. I felt like a total asshole, and a terrible mom to boot. I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have let him fall asleep here. “Can you play on your tablet for a few minutes please?”

“Okay,” she said begrudgingly, walking slowly from the room.

I hurried over and shut the bedroom door, pressing my body against it as I breathed a sigh of relief.

“The coast is clear,” I called out to Mason.

Mason stepped out of the bedroom wrapped in nothing but a towel. It only covered his bottom half, and I had a feeling it didn’t even cover his ass.

“Thanks for the heads up,” he said sheepishly. “I knew I should have brought my clothes in with me.”

“You need to leave,” I said rather abruptly. “In fact, you should have left last night. I told Skyler you were here fixing my shower. She can’t know you spent the night. She’ll tell her dad.”

Mason stopped short of where his pants were lying on the floor. “Danielle, sooner or later, you’ll have to tell him about the baby.”

My stomach turned at the thought. “I know, but I need to be smart about it.”

“What do you mean?” Mason asked, pulling up his pants.

“It’s really none of your business, Mason. I’m sorry, but it isn’t.”

“You’re carrying my baby,” he reminded me. “I think your business becomes my business now.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. “Please, just get dressed. I need to make Skyler breakfast, and I really don’t want to deal with any questions from her today. Greg can’t find out about the baby or you through her.”

“Fine. I will leave for your sake and Skyler’s, but you can’t just kick me out Copyright 2016 - 2024