Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,30

hopes up.

My period was late, but it was irregular anyway. A few days late, I hardly even paid attention. But that was before I’d had unprotected sex with Mason a month ago. When I was celibate, there was no need to keep track of my cycle and worry about things like this.

Dammit, Danielle, what did you do?

I was on the pill, but since I hadn’t had sex in years, I sometimes forgot about it. I should have been more careful, but it was too late for that now.

I had to see if my one bad decision would come with consequences.

I opened the pregnancy test and read the instructions three times before it finally registered. I did what I had to do, sitting the little test on the sink next to me, and waited.

I couldn’t sit still, so I paced my bedroom, nibbling at my fingernails.

What if I am pregnant? What would that mean for me and Sky?

What would it mean for me and Mason?

Shit. Mason. I hardly knew the man. What if he didn’t want kids? Obviously, we hadn’t talked about it, since we weren’t dating or even thinking about dating, but suddenly, it felt like vital information I needed an answer to.

What would he do when he found out?

I remembered that Greg was ecstatic, but that was no surprise. We were actively trying for Skyler. Now that I could look back on it in hindsight, I realized it had been a trap. He’d thought if we had a child together, I would never leave his abusive ass. His entire personality changed once we got the results of the pregnancy test. I was no longer a free woman. I was his woman - just as Jim had described me earlier. He controlled me from that day forward.

I believed Mason was different, though. Was he? I hardly knew him. How could I make statements like that when I hardly knew the guy?

The alarm on my phone went off, vibrating in my hand. Time to face the music.

I walked into the bathroom and found the test where I’d left it. With a sigh, I picked it up and read the results, checking the paper to be sure I was reading it right.



I had to sit down. I sat on the toilet seat and tried to focus on my breathing. I needed to relax.

It’s going to be okay, Danielle. You can handle this. You’re a hell of a mom to Skyler, and you’re doing it alone. You can handle two babies by yourself.

But Mason… Shit.

I had to tell him. There was no way I could hide it in a town as small as ours, and even if I could, I knew it wasn’t right.

Eventually, I’d have to tell Greg too, but that scared me even more. Everything about Greg scared me, but I pushed that out of my mind for the time being.

One man at a time, Danielle.

My hands were shaking as I typed a quick message to Mason.

Hey, are you up?

It felt like an eternity, but it was only about two minutes until a response lit up my screen.

I am, what’s up?

I took a deep breath. This wasn’t something we could discuss over text. Not even a phone call would do. No, I had to see him and break the news to him in person.

Can you come over? We need to talk.

He responded, Sure. Now?

Yes, if that’s possible. The sooner the better.

I’ll be right there.


“What is it?” Mason asked as soon as I opened the door. “Are you okay? Is Skyler okay?”

He rushed into the house, looking around. Griz ran into the room and barked at what he thought was an intruder, but as soon as he saw Mason, his entire body started wiggling. Oscar was right behind him and managed to push past Grizzly to get to Mason first. Zeus could be heard down the hallway, barking.

“I have to go quiet him down before he wakes Skyler,” I said, hurrying down the hallway.

Zeus was in the doorway of Skyler’s room, as if protecting the child. As soon as he saw me, however, he zipped it and returned to Skyler’s bed. I glanced into the room, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly. I closed the door again, cursing at the fact that the big dogs could open the door when it was cracked. But I had to keep it open a little bit just in case Sky needed me.

I stood in the hallway far too long, thinking over what I was Copyright 2016 - 2024