Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,12

got no satisfaction simply working cases anymore, and how I needed something more - a true purpose - he wouldn’t understand.

I also didn’t want to be impulsive and throw away the family business because of an argument with my little brother.

Even if I had been feeling a bit done, I knew I was being impulsive.

I sighed and rested my head against the doorframe, closing my eyes. My jaw was clenched so tightly, I spoke through gritted teeth. “Listen, I’m sorry, Eli. I just need a break. Please, just give me a break, alright?”

After the flooding and helping out at the clinic 24/7. And the re-building efforts. And meeting Calvin and deciding to help him. I was completely overwhelmed, and the last thing I wanted to deal with was Eli’s temper.

Eli backed off, eyeing me with suspicion. “Fine,” he said dryly. “We’ll talk later.”

I knew this wasn’t the end of our feud. It was only the end of this particular argument, which was fine with me. My head was beginning to hurt from all the tension in my jaw and neck.

Eli walked back downstairs, as evidenced by the heavy footsteps. He wasn’t happy, but at least I’d get some respite from his drama for the evening. I opened my bedroom door and entered, locking it behind me. I would have hung a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the handle had one been available. I just wanted to be left alone.

I didn’t want to worry about letting some rich football player down. I didn’t want to worry about helping yet another rich prick with whatever problem he found himself in this time.

One thing that working at the clinic had shown me was that I wanted to do more than just carve out a career for myself. I had a need to help people. I wanted to do better.

I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them into the dirty laundry before heading into the private bathroom. One good thing about this rental - it had plenty of rooms and bathrooms for all of us, so none of us had to share. Even if the rooms themselves were a bit small, it was supposed to have been temporary while we searched for our half-brother, Jack, here in Liberty. But we fell in love with the little mountain town and were planning to stick around. Especially since both Jack and his sister, Madison, were family. Being here in Liberty allowed us to get to know them and their family more, something we’d missed out on growing up.

I turned on the hot water in the shower and closed my eyes, letting the spray rush over my body.

Staying in Liberty had been a good choice. I felt at home here. The people were nice, and we could make a real difference in the town after the devastation caused by the flooding. My brothers and I had military backgrounds, we were strong and hard workers. I had medical training from my time in the military, while my other brothers had their talents.

So yes, it was a good thing we stayed.

And even better now since I met Danielle, I thought to myself. What a fine woman she is…

Stop it, Mason. You don’t even know if she’s married or what her deal is. Stop that right now.

The more I tried to stop thinking about her, however, the harder it was. I could see her clearly in my mind’s eyes. Her natural blonde hair likely fell down to her mid-back when she let it down. Those eyes - so blue and innocent with thick, black lashes. Her creamy skin with a dusting of freckles on her nose.

And moving down… that woman had a body that would make any man weak in the knees. Thick in all the right places. I’d never seen someone with such a perfect, natural hourglass shape in all my life. She reminded me of a statue you’d see in Paris or Milan - round breasts and hips that stretched the very limits of her jeans.

Ahh, thinking of her jeans, and the way her plump ass wiggled with every step…

I didn’t even realize it, but my hand had moved down my body, stroking myself as I visually imagined every curve of her body. I imagined we were alone in that adorable house of hers. And she beckoned me toward her bedroom with her finger, a seductive grin on her beautiful face.

How could I resist? I wouldn’t be able to tell her no, not if she asked me Copyright 2016 - 2024