Defying Destiny (Afterword Academy #3) - Katie May Page 0,32

front of me, I hold on to her hips and help her up. The view is quite nice, with her ass in my face. So many obscene thoughts filter through my mind, but none of them are appropriate for what we’re going through.

So I bite my lip and celebrate when we get to the top of the logs, finding a pathway chiseled into the side of the hill. Karston and Auston climb up behind us. Finally, with all of us safe, I can finally let out a sigh of relief.

But my respite is short lived when Hadley falls to the ground and lets out a blood-curdling scream.

Chapter 13



Pain everywhere.

It’s all I’m aware of, all I know, as I twist in on myself, attempting to make my body as small and as unassuming as possible.

Out of my peripheral vision, I note that my gorgeous Angel wings have burst into flames, licks of red, bright orange, and a teal shade of yellow illuminating the forest. Like paper being burned, nothing remains but delicate particles of ash that explode around me.

My wings, Auston’s wings, have been incinerated. Which means that another day has passed and I’ve burned through yet another essence.


“Fuck!” Brax exclaims, seeming to be echoing my own thoughts. “Fucking shit!”

“Are you okay, Had?” Karston blinks at me rapidly as Auston helps me sit, supporting my tender back.

Fuck, is this going to become a regular thing—me in agonizing pain as the guys comfort me?

“My wings…” I don’t have to say any more. They all saw the white feathers explode in a myriad of vibrant colors, leaving nothing but ash and residual smoke in its wake.

“We’re running out of time,” Caius says curtly, his shadowy form pacing a few feet away. “Can you move?” The last question is directed at me, but when I nod, attempting to amble to my feet, I know that’s a lie.

I feel unbearably weak, as if the lower half of my body is hewn from pure lead. Giant bowling balls are tied to both of my feet, prohibiting me from taking more than a step or two. Even my eyelids feel unnaturally heavy as I struggle to orient myself to my rapidly shifting surroundings.

Are the trees spinning? Or am I?

“Fuck, what’s happening?” Preston inquires anxiously as Austin scoops me up like I weigh nothing and holds me like an infant. At any other time, I would berate him for treating me like a baby, but I know I don’t have the mental or physical capacity to walk myself. My mind feels sluggish, as if the swamp water visible in the distance has somehow found its way into my skull.

“She lost two essences.” Caius sounds as if he’s barely breathing. “Her soul is shutting down…it won’t be long until it stops working completely, becoming a sleeping corpse once more.”

“Fuck!” Brax waves his sword in the air as if he wishes to stab someone. Those granite-like eyes flare brightly. “Is there anything we can do?”

“I’m fine,” I say, rushing to reassure them, hating that they’re anxious on my behalf. I know that things are going to get more difficult before it gets easier, and I’m determined to remain with my guys until the bitter end. I will free Caius’s body from his prison in Hell. And then I’ll reconnect with my essence.

“You’re not fine, baby,” Auston whispers, his lips brushing my earlobe and stirring the strands of hair present. “You can barely even walk.”

“Which is only more reason for us to move,” Caius snaps, already moving towards what appears to be a grassy clearing. On either side of me, carnivorous trees cage us in, their trunks distorted into gaping maws. I swear that their branches reach for us, as if wishing they could pluck us and devour us whole.

“Where the fuck are we even going?” Brax growls, and I can’t help but notice how often his eyes flicker to me, as if assuring himself I’m all right. I’m here. I’m okay.

But I’m not okay. Not really.

I can feel myself slipping away, my energy waning with every consecutive second. Already, it hurts to move and speak. Hell, it even hurts to think. How much longer until I’m nothing more than a liability? Auston already has to carry me around like a damn baby.

“Auston.” I tap his shoulder until I garner the massive Angel’s attention. “Put me down. I promise I’m fine.”

He still seems hesitant, wispy strands of pure white hair curling around his face, but he concedes with a reluctant nod, Copyright 2016 - 2024