Defy the Sun (Beware the Night #2) - Jessika Fleck Page 0,45

like it.” This is the first glimpse I see of Salazar the man and not Raevald’s sniveling assistant. It’s like he’s giving me advice. Actually trying to prepare me. But in his own way, which is one part asshole and one part oddly caring.

“Thank you. I figured as much.”

“And it is your role as heir … The High Regent’s order…” He’s impressively able to jump right back into “right-hand man” as quickly as he leaped away for a moment.

“Of course.” My role … He has no idea. “But, Salazar? Would it be possible to still present the chosen with a medallion? I’ll of course make the announcement as planned, but maybe I could still give the Offered their Sun medallion? It just doesn’t feel right to break so far away from what’s expected.”

He’s nodding, brow pulled into a low V as if deep in thought. “I’ll see what I can do.”

He starts for the door but before he leaves, he casually mentions, “You’re to have very early tea with your parents. Right at morning bells and before we leave for the ceremony.” He grins like he knows it’s one of the last things I want to contend with before my first test as heir. Our relationship is complicated at times, but I love my parents. I’ve worried about their well-being, the worry they’ve been through these past weeks, and it made me sick that I couldn’t console them or, at the very least, let them know I was alive.

But as much as I’ve missed them, I’m just as nervous to see them. What if I’m not what they expect? The myth around the return of the heir has been built up so big—much of it my own doing—that I’m not sure they won’t see right through the façade. They know me too well.

I also can’t help wondering if Raevald planned the timing of our reunion on purpose. Yet another hurdle for me to jump over or tumble into.

“Perfect.” I grin back, forcing my concerns to the back of my mind.

“And, Denali?” he says so casually it completely catches me off guard. “Blessed be the light.”

“Blessed be the light.”

With that, he’s gone.

If I sleep at all it’s in tiny increments because I toss and turn, my mind unable to calm. Mostly, I think of Veda. How I’ll ever get in touch with her. It would seem I’m being watched or tailed almost every waking minute, and there’s no way I can leave this palace without being found out. If I try to get back to the Lower, I’ll most definitely be caught, and then I won’t be able to help anyone.

I must eventually fall into some sort of restless sleep, because the last thought I remember before waking up in the morning is, please send me a sign you’re all right.

Then, Sun help me tomorrow.



Dorian blocks our way.

He’s staring daggers straight at me, and while I don’t blame him for being angry, I also don’t give a shit.

I did what I had to do.

What was right.

I will not let him make me doubt my actions.

“Did you do what I think you just did?” he asks, jaw tight, expression, well, infuriated.

“That depends … What do you think I just did?” I stall. But I also want to hear him say it.

“Damn it, Veda!” he shouts, and the volume and edge of his voice makes me startle. “You let those officers go? They’re the enemy—our only leverage. I can’t believe you’d—”

I take a large step toward him. “Spare their lives? You can’t believe I’d save them from being sacrificed? My Moon, Dorian.” He only stares. “You disappoint me.”

I stride past him and am comforted to feel Imi follow right behind me.

“You disappoint me!” he says to my back. “Lunalette.”

Yes, that last part hurts.

I stop. Turn around and face him.

“You said you tried to stop the Settlings, and I respect that.”

“But?” he asks.

“But … You only chose to let Nico go when you could have released them all. Spared all their lives.”

“I couldn’t do that … You know I couldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

He opens his mouth to answer but knows he doesn’t have one good enough to justify his actions.

Instead, he simply demands, “My keys?”

I throw the keys, and Dorian catches them as if we’d practiced it. Without another word, he then turns and heads in the direction of the prison cells.

Imi and I keep walking toward the main cavern.

She sends a sideways glance my way. “That was … intense. Are you all Copyright 2016 - 2024