Defy the Sun (Beware the Night #2) - Jessika Fleck Page 0,39

face on that posting, Raevald’s joviality when he told me Bellonians would vote on one of two horrible fates for her, haunts my mind.

But I can’t sit still.

I stand back up.

Pace back and forth before the fire.

Check the hourglass on the mantel.

I’ve got an hour at most before Salazar will collect me for a private dinner with the High Regent himself.

It’s risky. Probably stupid.

Definitely stupid.

But I can’t pace this floor all evening. Not when I know Veda’s somewhere here—under this same roof.

Without another thought, I march to the door. Open it a crack and listen.

All is quiet.

But my nerves falter the moment I leave the bedroom.

The hallway is silent. Vacant. Still, it’s as if eyes are always on me.

I force myself to put the idea out of my head.

This is why I’m here—to find Veda.

Besides, I have to assume most everyone is preparing for dinner, yes?

Yes, I answer myself. Not overly convincing, but I move swiftly down the hallway.

Thankful for the carpet that lines the marble floors, I walk swiftly. First order of business is to get as far away from the household wing as possible. Find my way down below the palace to a cellar or basement, tunnels maybe, where prisoners would likely be kept.

The palace is naturally dark. Lamps line the walls and what little sunlight that’s left of the day filters through the thick curtains, which have already been drawn for the evening. Sunrise flowers adorn the random hallway table or shelf attempting to warm this ever-chilly place. There must be a special building here that’s kept warm where they grow the flowers indoors because there’s not a bud or green leaf left in nature. Not between the cold and smoke and lingering musk of explosives.

Straightening my shoulders, coming up with a story should I be stopped—I’m restless and in need of a cup of tea before dinner … I’m searching for Salazar, I have an important question … I’m lost, could you please help me find my room … I have much on my mind and do my best thinking while walking—I pick up the pace. If I run into anyone it will likely be one of the staff or a low-ranking guard, and I don’t see either questioning me too much.

Like a quiet mouse, I lightly march along the hall, down a set of stairs, then past several closed doors. I take note of my route, leave mental breadcrumbs so I’m certain I can find my way back. It’s when I round a sharp corner that opens up to another long hallway that I see there is only one door. At the end of the polished floor and decorative rug is a single room. The door is simple. Wooden with a metal knob. But it’s been left open, and I can tell lanterns light a narrow and steep descent. It’s practically inviting me in.

Could it be?

Surely it wouldn’t be so accessible … so near to the High Regent’s own rooms …

But …

I was looking for a prison. What if it’s not? What if she’s just locked in a room? I wouldn’t put it past the man to turn everything upside down at this point.

I march straight for the door, push it open, step inside, and then close it behind me.

I’m on a wooden landing at the top of a spiral staircase. The steps lead straight down and the area around it is tight, all walls closing in and no space to breathe. This is definitely a single-file stairway. It’s impossible to see where it leads without actually taking the descent. Which, of course, I do.

The climb down is dizzying as it takes me in an endless corkscrew of circles.

When I reach the bottom, I’m sure to keep myself tucked behind the thick banister lest there be a guard or two awaiting me.

But there is no one.

Only a large, dark room awaits me. It’s a cellar, or so it would seem. Cool, a bit drafty, and all stone. There are shelves lining the space, and they’re filled with old books, small furniture pieces like candlesticks and flower vases. It’s part storage and part museum.

Paintings adorn the walls. Past High Regents. Their wives and children. And that’s when it hits me: I’ve seen zero presence of past family or rulers inside the main house. The only portrait is of the current High Regent himself. It extends mid-wall to ceiling and hangs in the main sitting room above the fireplace. Larger than life. So much like the real Copyright 2016 - 2024