Defy the Sun (Beware the Night #2) - Jessika Fleck Page 0,105

on! We have to warn the others!”

I can see he’s not quite himself when he stops to stare at the slowly advancing lava. “The Sindaco,” he says.

“No time; we have to get to the others.”

He nods, and we both take off into the cavern.

The minute we step inside, the chatter and shouting and mayhem I left only moments ago halts. No time for details, all I say is, “The volcano’s erupting. Everyone must get to the Upper now!”

There are a few calls for “But what about the Imperi?” and “The war?” and “We’ll be ambushed! Captured!”

“We can’t worry about that now. If we stay down here we all die.” At that, the questions cease. “To the Upper. NOW!”

“Stay calm…,” Dorian says as people hurriedly pass. “Single-file line…”

“No time to gather belongings!” I yell. “Straight to the closest den!”

Quickly, two by two and as orderly as they can manage, everyone flees the cavern. One after the other, ants fleeing what was once their safe place.

Parents carry children who’ve fallen behind. Babies and adults alike cry out in pain and fear.

Last to leave are Xavier and Imi, followed by a few more soldiers who’re running toward us from a side tunnel.

“Soldiers’ caves are all clear but the garden’s blocked—if anyone was in there, they’re…” He shakes his head.

“Anyplace else that needs checking?” I ask.

“The kitchens—” the other soldier says.

“No—” Dorian cuts in. “They’re too close to the Crag. Might already be blocked.”

“Wait—” I glance between the few of us standing there. Someone’s missing. “Where’s Bronwyn?”

“Is she at the palace?” Xavier asks Imi.

Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head. “I’m not sure.”

“I’m going!” I say, just as something pops and spits around the corner, the first of the lava about to reach us.

“Shit, Veda, no, you can’t go! She’s probably not even down there. If she was there I’m sure she heard the explosion and got out,” Xavier says.

“I won’t take that chance!” I’m already running down the tunnel that leads to the kitchens.

“Damn it, Veda!” Dorian shouts, taking off after me. But before he takes even three steps, he folds to the ground.

“Dorian!” I shout, and run toward him.

Crouching down, I use all the strength I have to help Dorian sit up, wrap his arm over my shoulders. “Dorian?” I shout. He’s dazed, barely opens his eyes.

Xavier and Imi and the soldiers are instantly there and help lift him up.

Dorian seems to come to and is able to stand. “I’m all right,” he says.

I look to Imi, Xavier, and the soldiers. “Follow the others up and get Dorian to a doctor. I’ll be right behind you.”

“But—” Imi says.

“Go! Hurry!”

“No—” Dorian says. “We’re coming with you.” Imi and Xavier both nod.

There’s no time to argue or even get upset over it. I direct the soldiers to follow the others and then the four of us enter the tunnel to the kitchens.

It’s then that the entire underbelly of the island jolts beneath our feet. Releases a warm gasp that snakes its way to us through the tunnel. It smells horribly like gas and all things flammable.

And it’s coming from the direction we’re heading.

There’s no lava to be seen. Yet.

The closer we get to the kitchens, the hotter the air around us becomes. I glance back to check on Dorian, who’s keeping up but is also leaning heavily on Xavier’s arm, and I curse myself for not demanding they take him up right away.

But there’s no time for regrets right now.

No time for anything except finding the others.

Then quick footsteps and immediate escape.

This tunnel is particularly twisty, and though Dorian’s putting on a brave face, he’s struggling with the sharp turns and constant inclines and declines. I look back and catch Xavier’s eye. He looks worried too, which makes me even more uneasy.

And right when I’m about to demand Xavier get Dorian up on the island, I spot shadows ahead.

“Hello?” I call. “Who’s there? Bronwyn?”

“Yes—it’s us!” I’m pretty sure we all release a collective sigh of relief when we hear Bron’s voice.

We only travel down a short decline when Bronwyn and about fifteen other Night members are upon us.

“My Moon—I knew you were down here.” I take Bronwyn by the hands. “Is this everyone?” I ask.

“I think so,” she says, completely out of breath but already checking on Dorian’s wound and hugging Imi.

“Okay, let’s get out of here,” I say to everyone. “We need to be quick but careful.” It’s dark, only a few lanterns are lit, but as I glance over the Copyright 2016 - 2024