Defy the Dawn (Midnight Breed #14) - Lara Adrian Page 0,87

see you to the car, Tamisia,” Lazaro informed her. “Melena and I will be along momentarily.”

“Thank you,” she said, then turned to Zael and Brynne, remorse glistening in her sky-blue eyes. “I don’t know how to repay you.”

Zael touched her shoulder and gently shook his head. “There is no need. Take care of yourself, and maybe one day the three of us will meet again.”

“I would like that very much.” She smiled at Brynne. “I wish you both every happiness.”

Brynne clutched her hand and gave it a tender squeeze. “The same to you, Sia.”

She headed off, looking more than a little anxious as she followed the big warrior back to the waiting vehicle.

Lazaro ran a hand through his ebony hair. “I hope your friend doesn’t scare easily. I would’ve brought one of my other men along, but I’ve lost one of my team to family obligations and a new Breedmate, and another is gearing up for a covert mission. Trygg’s not much of a people person.”

Zael grunted. “Don’t worry about Sia. She’s never met a male she couldn’t charm.”

“She’s never met Trygg,” Melena said, smiling wryly. She glanced at Brynne. “Congratulations to you and Zael on your mating. I’m sorry—I’m trying not to stare, but it’s difficult. It’s not every day that Lazaro and I get a chance to meet a daywalker or an Atlantean.”

The Rome commander’s mouth quirked. “Not to mention how rare it is to meet the diplomatic envoys for the Atlantean colony.”

“Thank you for the well wishes,” Brynne replied. “As for our diplomatic role, I imagine Zael and I will be seeing much more of you both.”

“And the Order in general,” Zael added. “This alliance is a partnership between our people, but I hope you and the rest of the warriors understand that beyond any formal agreement, you also have my friendship. And my service, should you need it—whether that’s in battle against Selene or any other threat we have to contend with.”

“That is most appreciated,” Lazaro answered. “Unfortunately, it seems Opus Nostrum isn’t about to give us any rest. It will be a damned good day when we finally take the bastards out.”

“Let’s hope it’s soon,” Brynne said. “If there’s anything Zael and I can do to help make that happen, the Order needs only to ask.”

“You honor us well,” Lazaro replied with a formal bow of his head.

The phrase was tradition within the Order, one of the highest praises bestowed on its brethren. That he said it now, to Brynne and her Atlantean mate, was a compliment they both would aspire to be worthy of from this day forward.

The Rome commander gestured toward the vehicle Tamisia had entered. “And you have our word that we’ll make sure your friend gets whatever she requires while she’s with us.”

“Thank you both,” Zael said as the two men shook hands.

Melena pulled Brynne into a brief hug. “I so enjoyed meeting you.”

“The pleasure is mine,” she replied, smiling as she drew back from Lazaro’s mate. “May I ask you a personal favor?”

“Of course, anything.”

“When you speak with the Order again, please tell my sister I am well, and that I hope to see her soon.”

“But not too soon,” Zael interjected, a grin tugging at his mouth. “Brynne and I have a blood bond to celebrate. I plan to keep her all to myself for as long as I possibly can.”

They said their goodbyes, watching as the SUV rolled away into the gathering night.

Zael’s eyes glimmered as he took Brynne’s hand and led her back onto the sailboat. She couldn’t wait to be back on the island. Back in her Atlantean mate’s arms, and back in his bed.

Their bed.

In the home they would make together.

And, if they were so blessed, in the home where they would one day start a family of their own. The wish took root so firmly, it swept her breath away.

Because it wasn’t only her wish, she realized.

She felt that same hope shining in Zael’s heart too.

It was in his blood, in the bond that now connected their hearts and their futures.

He pulled her into his embrace, his mouth coming down on hers in a kiss so passionate and filled with emotion that it shook her to her marrow.

“Yes, I want it, too,” he murmured against her lips. “I want it all with you, Brynne. Forever.”

And when he pressed her down onto the deck with him to lie beneath the blanket of stars, she knew to the depths of her soul that she was already holding the future in her arms.

She was for the first time in her life—and forever—right where she belonged.

~ * ~

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* * * * *

Continue the adventure with the Midnight Breed!

If this was your first taste of the series, there are many more Midnight Breed stories for you to enjoy, beginning with Book 1, Kiss of Midnight.

Kiss of Midnight ~ $2.99 US for a limited time!

Don’t miss the rest of the Midnight Breed series!

(click or tap the title to purchase)

A Touch of Midnight (prequel novella)

3-book Midnight Breed Starter Bundle

Kiss of Midnight

Kiss of Crimson

Midnight Awakening

Midnight Rising

Veil of Midnight

Ashes of Midnight

Shades of Midnight

Taken by Midnight

Deeper than Midnight

A Taste of Midnight (novella)

Darker after Midnight

The Midnight Breed Series Companion

~ ~ Midnight Breed - The New Generation ~ ~

Edge of Dawn

Marked by Midnight (novella)

Crave the Night

Tempted by Midnight (novella)

Bound to Darkness ~ $2.99 US for a limited time!

Stroke of Midnight (novella)

Defy the Dawn

Midnight Untamed ~ Releasing October 2016

…and more to come!

Other books by Lara Adrian

(click or tap the title to purchase)

Contemporary Romance

100 Series (billionaire erotic romance)

For 100 Days

For 100 Nights

(Releasing Winter 2016)

For 100 Reasons

(Releasing Spring 2017)

Masters of Seduction Series

Merciless: House of Gravori

Priceless: House of Ebarron

Phoenix Code Series (with Tina Folsom)

Cut and Run

Hide and Seek

Historical Romances

Dragon Chalice Series

Heart of the Hunter ~ FREE for a limited time!

Heart of the Flame

Heart of the Dove

Dragon Chalice Boxed Set

Warrior Trilogy

White Lion’s Lady ~ FREE for a limited time!

Black Lion’s Bride

Lady of Valor

Warrior Trilogy Boxed Set

Standalone Titles

Lord of Vengeance

* * * * *

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About the Author

LARA ADRIAN is a New York Times and #1 internationally best-selling author, with nearly 4 million books in print worldwide and translations licensed to more than 20 countries. Her books regularly appear in the top spots of all the major bestseller lists including the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Indiebound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Reviewers have called Lara’s books “addictively readable” (Chicago Tribune), “extraordinary” (Fresh Fiction), and “one of the best on the market” (Romantic Times).

Writing as TINA ST. JOHN, her historical romances have won numerous awards including the National Readers Choice; Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice; Booksellers Best; and many others. She was twice named a Finalist in Romance Writers of America’s RITA Awards, for Best Historical Romance (White Lion’s Lady) and Best Paranormal Romance (Heart of the Hunter). More recently, the German translation of Heart of the Hunter debuted on Der Spiegel bestseller list.

With an ancestry stretching back to the Mayflower and the court of King Henry VIII, the author lives with her husband in New England.

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© 2016 by Lara Adrian, LLC

Cover design © 2016 by CrocoDesigns

eBook : 978-1-939193-09-4

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the Author.


Available in ebook and trade paperback. Unabridged audiobook edition forthcoming. Copyright 2016 - 2024