Defy the Dawn (Midnight Breed #14) - Lara Adrian Page 0,82

coerce her into going with him. She explained how she had grown wary of him, but that she hadn’t realized he would be willing to kill, nor had she ever dreamed he might attempt to steal the colony’s crystal for his own gain.

The other elders and the rest of the assembled crowd gaped at her. Soon the animosity and mistrust that had been focused on Zael and Brynne began to shift to Tamisia.

Baramael’s bicolored eyes flared with disapproval. “You’ve known of Elyon’s disloyalty to the colony, yet never told anyone?”

“I was afraid of him,” she murmured quietly.

“Your fear cost Nethilos his life,” Haroth, the other male elder sharply reminded her. The black Atlantean raked a big hand over his short mohawk. “This cannot stand, Tamisia.”

“I know.” She nodded, tears sliding down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”

Baramael nodded grimly to the sentries, and they slowly began to guide the spectators out of the chamber. When it was just the elders remaining, he stepped up to Tamisia. “Your actions killed a good man, a friend to us all. That is a loss we can never repair. However, if not for Zael and Brynne stopping Elyon, your silence could have jeopardized this entire colony one day. You leave us no choice but to banish you, Sia.”

A sob choked out of her. “Nethilos was my friend too. I don’t expect any of you to ever forgive me. I know I will never forgive myself.”

“At least we still have the crystal,” one of the female elders gently pointed out. “At least Elyon was thwarted in his betrayal of us.”

Zael nodded, agreeing in sober contemplation. “And you still have the alliance. If the colony wants it.”

From within Haroth’s dark-skinned face, his pale green eyes flicked from Brynne to Zael. “None of this changes the council’s condition on the alliance with the Order. What Brynne did here today is admirable—we are all in her debt—but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s Breed.”

Baramael nodded. “If anything, seeing the devotion you share for each other only fortifies the council’s concern that unless the colony has a permanent advocate in this alliance, the odds may always swing in favor of the Order.”

Zael inclined his head in understanding, even if it wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear. He hadn’t expected the council to reverse their decision.

Hell, if he were one of the elected elders responsible for the security and governing of the colony, he’d make the same demand.

“Come,” Baramael said solemnly. “We can talk more later. Right now, we need to see to our fallen friend and this council needs to offer comfort to his widow and child.”


They buried Nethilos at sundown, on the island’s highest hill.

Brynne had stood beside Zael and offered her condolences to Diandra and Neriah, both of whom were despondent over the loss of the good and gentle man who’d been so beloved to all in the colony, but especially to his family.

Brynne had felt Zael’s grief, too, but he had remained steady and stoic throughout the wrenching goodbyes and the final moments that his friend’s remains were laid to rest in the sole grave ever to be dug on the immortals’ island haven.

As the gathering dissolved and most of the colony began to return to their homes, the four elders strode to where Zael and Brynne stood on the hill near a grove of fragrant lemon trees. Zael’s arm around her shoulders flexed, bringing her closer to him as the two men and two women approached.

Baramael inclined his head in greeting. “It was good of you to speak at the gravesite, Zael. Nethilos would have been humbled by your praises. It was clear that his wife and daughter took a great deal of comfort in your memories of him.”

Zael nodded soberly. “He was a good man. One of the best I’ve known.”

“Indeed. He was a valued member of our council as well. We won’t have an easy time finding someone to take his seat on the dais with us.”

“No, I don’t imagine it will be,” Zael said. “And what about Tamisia?”

Baramael and the others exchanged a look. “She will be banished from the colony at first light.”

“Unfortunately,” added Haroth, “she has left us little choice.”

Brynne couldn’t deny the pang of sorrow she felt for the Atlantean female. Tamisia had been negligent in looking out for the colony’s best interests, especially in her role as elder, but her remorse had been painfully evident. She would have to live with the guilt of her unwilling Copyright 2016 - 2024