Defy the Dawn (Midnight Breed #14) - Lara Adrian Page 0,22

did recognize Zael’s. “I enjoyed our walk, Dylan. I hope we can find time to talk some more while I’m here.”

A sharp, bitter emotion stabbed Brynne at the sincerity she heard in his tone.

“I never dreamed we’d have this chance to reconnect and spend time together like this,” the woman said. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me, Zael.”

“To me as well.”

Ugh, please. Brynne’s unwilling jealousy morphed into alarm an instant later when she realized the pair was coming her way up the corridor.

Too late to make a smooth escape now, she was trapped where she stood. Or faced with the even less attractive option of attempting to sneak out to the passageway ahead of them and slip back into her suite. They were too close for that already, mere steps from the library’s open door.

Instead, Brynne snatched the nearest novel off the shelf then hurried to take a seat in a high-backed wing chair, curled into it as if she’d been there for hours.

She made it barely in time to see Zael and the copper-tressed beauty pause right outside the library. He’d at least put his shirt back on since Brynne saw him outside, but the gauzy white linen was unbuttoned halfway down his bronzed chest, the sleeves rolled up to bare his tanned forearms and the leather thong that rode on his wrist.

“Here’s your guest room,” his companion announced as she opened the door directly across the hall. “If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

At his smile and polite nod, she went up on her toes and kissed his cheek. She pivoted and started walking away, with Zael’s bright blue eyes tender on her.

Brynne tore her gaze away, rooting her focus on the book she held open in front of her face. As much as she hoped—fervently prayed—he wouldn’t notice her there, she knew she couldn’t possibly be so fortunate.

“Brynne,” he said, surprise in his deep voice. “I didn’t realize you were in here.”

Obviously. She glanced up from her book as if she was equally unaware of him. “Hmm? I’m sorry, I was reading and not paying any attention. What did you say?”

He smirked knowingly. Damn him. “I said, I didn’t realize Dylan and I had an audience just now.”

Dylan and him. He said it with a familiarity that grated more than she wanted to acknowledge.

“You had no such thing.” To demonstrate, she held up her book. “I came in here to relax and read for a while. If you hadn’t interrupted me just now, I might not have even noticed you were there.”

Zael stepped inside, uninvited. “Engrossing stuff, is it?”

She started to reply, but the citrusy, ocean scent of him hit her senses like a drug and she couldn’t find her voice. His skin radiated heat that made her cheeks flush and her own skin feel too warm and tight on her body.

He leaned over the side of her chair, until his face was nearly level with hers. His arched brow and slow grin tugged her core, made her breath dry up in her lungs.

“Broody billionaires and red rooms of pain?” Zael chuckled. “I wouldn’t have guessed that was your particular kink, but I have to admit I’m intrigued.”

Brynne glanced at the cover and felt her face ignite. She set the book down on the side table next to the chair and folded her arms tightly across her chest. “I imagine all it takes to intrigue you is a warm pulse and a vagina.”

He stared at her shamelessly. “It’s definitely a good start.”

“You’re unbelievable.” On a huff, she stood up and walked away from him.

“Hey. Wait,” he said. He didn’t let her get far before she suddenly found him standing right in front of her, blocking her path. He frowned. “It was a joke, Brynne. Don’t tell me you’re still upset with me because of the other night?”

“I’m not upset. I’m simply not interested.”

“No? Then why are you acting like a jealous lov—” He drew back, a look of confusion on his face. “What do you think you saw between Dylan and me just now?”

“Nothing,” she denied, then doubled down on the lie. “I could not possibly care less what’s going on with you or any of the females you keep company with. I came in here to read and relax. Alone. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find somewhere else to do that now.”

She stepped around him, disgusted with herself for the bitter anger flooding her veins. She Copyright 2016 - 2024