Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,90

She’s taken on the job of caring for our crop, seeing as it’s right next to the Brick Cell where she spends the majority of her time. She’s scientific-minded and has used her skillset to get our plants growing at a rapid rate. Ivy seems to enjoy being in charge of something that makes her feel useful like she’s a part of the club.

Dash helped Ivy set it up. With how he grew up, he knew all about how the set-up should run, so he’s been downstairs helping Ivy get everything in working order. Needless to say, the crop is booming, and so is our new business ventures. It hasn’t gone unnoticed Ivy and Dash’s friendship is blossoming as well. Which also has me aware that Void isn’t downstairs as much as he used to be. I’d like to know why, but I’m not going to interfere.

I stand back watching Ivy with her clipboard as she jots down notes. She even requested a lab coat, gloves, and goggles, so she doesn’t contaminate the plants. She takes her job seriously like some kind of nerdy scientist. It suits her.

Dash hands her a cutting, and she examines it under a microscope.

“Plant thirteen is doing well, Dash, that extra layer of soil did the trick.”

Dash grins. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

Ivy shoves his shoulder as they keep working.

I, however, roll my eyes. “Good work, you two. Keep it up.”

Ivy bows her head at me, without looking my way, as she continues her work. So, I turn to head for the stairs, I don’t need to hang around listening to their crappy banter. As I reach the top of the stairs, the clubhouse is a flurry of excitement. It’s nearly the first weekend in September, and Eva’s a little too excited about what Monday will bring.

Eva’s rushing around handing out orders wearing tight jeans and an RBMC property patch T-shirt. I’ll never get sick seeing that on her body. She suits the position of head Ol’ Lady so fucking well. Maybe a little too well as she plans for a major Labor Day celebration. Apparently, now Voltage has forged her and Ivy’s American citizenships, she’s taking our American holidays very seriously. The club must celebrate them with gusto and enthusiasm according to her.

I find it incredibly cute the way she’s taken to becoming an American. She still celebrates her Cuban heritage every chance she gets, but she loves it here. America gave her a new purpose. A new life. So, she’s taking it and running with it.

As she fusses about getting everything in order, I walk over to her. Trixie writes something down on a notepad as Eva lists what she wants done. “Only American food on the menu. Hotdogs, wings, potato salad, corn on the cob, I want it all. And beer in those red cups. We need it to be a real festivity, Trix.”

Trixie eyes me. I tilt my head letting Trixie know what my woman wants, she gets. Trix nods, then walks off with Eva’s orders as I pull Eva to me. “I’ve created a monster.”

Eva turns in my arms, threading her fingers in my hair, her eyes meeting mine. “No, I just want it right. I just…” she sighs, “… I want to have the perfect holiday for you.”

I press my forehead to hers. “While I like this side of you, Chiquita, all I want is to spend the day inside you. Labor Day isn’t that important… save your energy for the Fourth of July if you want to do something extravagant.”

“But that’s too far away.”

“You want a reason to throw a party?”

“I want to show the guys I appreciate them…” She shrugs. “This is my way. To put on something for them. Celebrate their country and have all the food and festivities to go with it.”

I get it. This is as much for her as it is for me. Bringing my hand up to the side of her face, I caress her cheek. “Have your party. We could invite Miami. Make it a real celebration?”

Her face lights up, and she leans in kissing me. “You won’t regret it. This is going to be the best Labor Day you’ve ever had.”

I chuckle. “Well, you can make it the best Labor Day, and I promise I’ll make it the best night you’ve ever had.”

Her cheeks flush. “You say that a lot. I never think you can top yourself, yet you always manage to.”

I lean in against her Copyright 2016 - 2024