Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,86

on the ass after I got my president patch.” She balls her fist, slamming it straight into my jaw. My head snaps to the side, then she grabs my shoulders pulling me forward, slamming her knee right into my groin. My balls feel like they’ve been pushed up inside my body as I let out a groan, dropping to my knees. I try to catch my breath as she bends down staring into my watering eyes. “Hopefully, now that you have an Ol’ Lady, you’ll be more damn respectful.”

I grimace, my balls aching like a motherfucker as she walks past Venom slapping his hand as she goes, almost like a tag team event.

He moves in, circling around me as I sit back on my knees. I know I must roll over, take the beatings like a man. I fucking deserve it. He stalks me, my adrenaline pumping, waiting for him to make his move. He stops behind me, shoving me forward. I fall flat on my face going limp, letting my body lay here.

I’m embarrassed this is happening in front of my brothers.

But I’m doing this for Eva.

Everything’s for Eva.

Venom rushes around to my side, slamming his boot into my ribs. I groan as my body flips over onto my back, forcefully. I cough and splutter as he lands another kick into my flank. I roll onto my side bringing my knees up without thinking. I have merely a second to catch my breath before I’m being holed up by the back of my cut by Petros. As he holds me up, Koyn stands in front of me, fist clenched. I tense as Koyn’s fist lands straight in my nose. Blood spurts out as pain radiates through my face more than I thought it would.

The soft whimpers of Eva distract me for a moment. Her big doe eyes glistening with tears as Void holds her tightly. Ivy’s by her side trying to soothe her too, but nothing’s working as another fist smacks straight into the side of my head, knocking Eva from my vision.

Petros hands me to Koyn to hold, then Petros takes over the beating. Hit after violent hit, my body goes numb as it rocks to and fro with the ferocity of their actions.

Punch after punch.

Kick after kick.

President after president.

My head is foggy like I’m fading in and out. My body wants to give up this fight. I’m sure I have a concussion as I lay like a starfish on the floor. I’ve lost count after the eighth president to lay into me. My body aches so fucking bad I can barely breathe.

A slap across my face makes my eyes shoot open. I blink a couple of times through my swollen eyes. Hatch kneels over the top of me sporting a tired expression. Rivulets of blood drip down my face while my breaths are short and sharp.

Hatch lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. “You look like shit, brother.”

I stifle a chuckle, then it turns into a cough, which morphs into a moan. “Am… I… still… pretty?” I manage to murmur.

“Yeah, you pussy, it’s just a surface scratch.”

“You haven’t… had… your shot… yet… have you?”

Hatch grimaces. “Last one, brother, think you can manage one more?”

“Do your best, Hatch.”

“Oh, there was never any doubt about that. I just needed to assess how hard to go.”

I tense. “I owe… you a punch… don’t… hold back.”

He doesn’t want to do this, I can tell by his eyes. Not really. I’m sure none of them do deep down, but rules are rules.

“You got it, brother.” He pulls his fist back, and I clench my teeth as he slams his fist straight into my stomach. I let out a gasp trying to catch my breath as another one hits almost immediately into my nose. This time a crunch reverbs through my face. I gasp for breath as he doesn’t hesitate to slam his fist straight into my eye socket. My head slams back onto the concrete floor as darkness begins to swarm around me.

I found my way to the light with Eva, now I’m not sure if my brothers have sent me straight back into the dark.



Seeing Nycto spread out on the floor is breaking my heart. I want to run to him, to help him, but Void’s stopping me from doing anything.

Hatch stands, wiping his bloodied hands on his jeans as everyone watches Nycto passed out on the floor.

“What are you waiting for? Help him,” I yell out, seeing as they’re all standing Copyright 2016 - 2024