Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,82

trap them inside, but for this, we wanted Andrés to know he was being bricked in.

“You know what we’re doing, Andrés. You’re a smart man.”

Void grips onto him tighter as a pair of shoes comes into my field of vision. I pause, glancing up as Eva falls into my line of sight. I halt taking her in. Her face is unreadable. I’m unsure whether to stop or to keep going. I have no clue how she feels about this. “Eva, I—”

She bends down grabbing a brick and hands it to me.

My heart leaps into my throat. She’s helping me. A slow smile crosses my lips as I nod my head to her. I lather on the mortar, then place her brick on the row. She couldn’t make me surer in this moment she belongs here with me than right now.

She hands me another brick.

Taking a deep breath, I focus on the task at hand while Andrés cusses, fucking about, trying like all hell to break out of Void’s hold. I reach the other side, and another brick appears in my vision. I glance up, this one’s being passed to me by Ivy.

These women sure raised each other tough.

I grin at Ivy, a fire in her eyes as she leans over placing the brick on the line of wet mortar herself.

Okay, then.

I turn back to Void, his eyes focused hard on Ivy as I layer on another line of mortar. Ivy and Eva both step in placing bricks on the wet mortar.

I swear my dick just got hard.

I’m a sick fuck.

I hand the trowel to Eva, and she nods as I step back. She takes a deep breath as Ivy and her take over bricking Andrés into the wall. I fold my arms over my chest watching this beautiful work of art coming to life before me.

“You can’t do this. Eva, Ivy, you’ll never forgive yourselves. You don’t want to do this.”

“Shut up, asshole!” Eva goads as Ivy grabs a brick smashing it straight into Andrés’ face.

I let out a small laugh as Andrés blacks out, blood running down the center of his face out his nose.

Void widens his eyes like he has no idea who the hell these two women are right now.

But I know.

They’re fighters.

They’re survivors.

And right now, they’ve just convinced me they’re Royal fucking Bastards.

I walk over, grabbing the wall hook, moving to the side while the girls continue their bricking. Void keeps his grip on the now-limp Andrés as I grab the hammer and start hammering in the hook to the wall behind Andrés. This is a real team effort. The girls continue building the wall as I secure the hook in place, testing it to make sure it’s stable enough. Once I’m sure it will hold, I give the signal to Void. He groans launching Andrés back onto it, his heavy jacket threading over the hook as he dangles there. His feet still on the ground for support. It’s there to keep him upright. Void lets go, merely placing a single hand on his chest so the girls can continue the brickwork. The wall is getting higher. In no time, it will be up around his face.

Normally, I leave the face open for a while, but Andrés has already suffered the starvation portion in the Brick Cell. No need to drag it on longer, I want him to die for what he did to Eva.

Void lets go of Andrés, then moves over with me as the girls take over completely.

It’s like they were made to do this, and they are probably getting some satisfaction out of it as well. Let’s face it, the bastard was going to sell them to the highest bidder. Andrés didn’t give a fuck about either of them.

Folding my arms over my chest, I stand back watching. “You doing okay, Eva?”

“Couldn’t be better.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

“How ‘bout you, Ivy?” Void asks.

She turns back to us, excitement written all over her face. “I knew this is what happened down here. There was a guy moaning in the wall, so I walked over and talked to him. After a few days, he stopped talking. There was something calming about that. Does it make me a bad person?” she asks, laying another brick.

Eva raises her brow as Void cracks his neck to the side.

I clear my throat. “No. It means you understand these assholes are down here for a reason. If they’re behind these walls, it’s because they’ve done something to the club.”

She purses her lips, Copyright 2016 - 2024