Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,68

it’s a call I need to make.

It rings three times. “What have you done this time?” Jameson’s gruff voice answers. Our National Club President sounds like he’s preoccupied.

Honesty is the best policy. Truth be told, I want to get straight to it. “I fucked up.”

Jameson pauses for a moment, then he exhales. “Nycto, what exactly do you mean?”

Cracking my neck to the side, my stomach clenches as I prepare to tell him everything. “You know how we transport packages from ships to the sellers or buyers… whatever the job calls for?”

“I’m not gonna fucking like this, am I?”

“While transporting my last shipment, I kept two of the packages. Told Andrés they got away from Dash, then drowned in the sea.”

“The fuck were you thinking? More importantly, why? It’s not like you to take a liking to the packages. I’ve not been a huge fan of Tampa being in the transport industry, but this is next-level shit, even for you.”

“I’ve put my club in danger, that’s on me. I take full responsibility for my actions. The thing is, Jameson… I’d fucking do it again because I care about Eva more than I thought I could. She adores her sister, so as it turns out, the packages were a packaged deal.”

“Jesus Christ… never thought I’d see the day when a woman took residence in your cold, dead heart.”

“I agree… thing is we broke lockdown today, and I think Eva was made.”

“I hear what you’re saying, brother. Just look what I did for Sadie, but you broke your own lockdown, and now your club’s at risk. What do you want me to do about it?”

“If Andrés comes with trouble, and I call for backup, no one’s gonna want to come when they hear why. But if you send out the call, they won’t have the option not to come.”

Jameson grumbles under his breath. “I don’t appreciate you putting the Royal Bastards on the map like this, Nycto. You need to handle your own shit! I understand why you did it. You need help… it’ll be there, but don’t think for a fucking second this is the last you’ll be hearing from me about this. There will be repercussions for you!”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less, Jameson.”

“Keep your ear to the ground and your guns at the ready. If Eva’s been made, you’re probably looking at trouble heading your way sooner than later.”

Nodding, he’s not telling me anything I haven’t already thought of. It’s the very reason I called him. “Got it. And Prez?”


“Thanks, brother.”

He mumbles something unintelligible under his breath, then ends the call. He’s fucked-off with me. I get it. I’ve handled this entire Eva situation like a lunatic, but if it means, in the end, I get to keep her, then maybe it will be worth it.

Sitting back in my chair, I know I have punishment heading my way for putting my club in jeopardy, but whatever it is, I’ll take it because I deserve it.

I’ll take any-fucking-thing they throw at me because, in the end, Eva’s worth it all.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Having time out with Nycto made me feel better about this whole situation. Though my anger is still there about how he handled everything, when I look at the bigger picture, I’m here with Ivy, and we’re safe. And honestly, it’s all that matters.

I could stay mad at everyone for deceiving me, but what good would it achieve other than me being in a foul mood for the rest of my life.

I need to let it go.

Nycto took a step tonight. He tried to make me feel better, even though it was dangerous. He put my needs before everything. I’m not naïve enough not to understand the consequences. He put himself and his club on the line for me to feel at ease. I won’t forget that.

I knew the second we arrived back at the club something was wrong. He didn’t tell me, but the way he was trying to lose that car behind us makes me think he believes something’s amiss. It’s why he’s gone to do club business, and I’m down here with Ivy, not that I mind. After believing she was lost to me, I’ll spend as much time with her as I can, even if that time is with me currently sitting on her sofa painting my toenails.

I layer on another coat to my big toe while Ivy is fussing about with her bed, fluffing her pillows. She seems so settled down here like this is the only Copyright 2016 - 2024