Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,64


“Shit! Are you being serious?”

“I’m being fucking stupid, but yes.”

The urge to kiss him is strong, but the memory of him betraying me is still raging full force in my mind. So instead, I lean in for an embrace. “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

His grip on me tightens like he knows exactly what it means. He nuzzles his nose into my hair as we hold each other. “I only ever wanted to make you happy, Chiquita. I hope doing this will help a little.”

Nycto pulls back, his eyes meet mine, tension tightening in my stomach. Butterflies dance a tango in my stomach as my eyes take in all the beautiful features of his incandescent orbs. He really is gorgeous. I could fast be swept up in his wake again, but I need to remind myself of the hurt he’s caused me.

He deceived me.

Lied to me.

That’s not okay.

Slowly, I pull back taking in a deep breath. “Where are you going to take me?”

Regret forms in his eyes, but he lets me go anyway.

I head over to the bed to pull on some more appropriate footwear. I’m already wearing leggings, so I just need to put on a jacket.

Nycto follows my every move. “Somewhere nice, but we need to go before I change my mind.”

Smiling, I yank on my boots and stand walking to the closet to pull out a leather jacket Pepper bought for me. I haven’t worn it yet, but I have been dreaming of the day I got to wear it on the back of Nycto’s bike. Seems like today is that day.

“You been on the back of a bike before?” he asks.

I shake my head to which he smiles.

“Good. I’m gonna show you how great it can be.” Nycto holds out his hand for me to take. I hesitate, but then thread my fingers with his. What will it hurt to hold his hand? He leads us back out into the main clubroom, and Void eyes us suspiciously.

“Where’re you going?” he asks.

“Taking Eva for a ride, shouldn’t be long. If we’re gone more than three hours, send out a search party.”

My eyes widen as Void’s jaw clenches. “Prez, I don’t think—”

“Not up for discussion, VP,” Nycto cuts him off as he pulls me through the room.

My eyes meet with Ivy’s. She smiles, giving me the thumbs up. It fills me with warmth that she isn’t annoyed I’m heading out without her. So, I turn, walking with Nycto, finally excited that I’m getting to ride on his bike.

I’ve dreamed of this.

I’ve wanted this.

Maybe, just maybe, it will calm the raging storm in my soul.

Chapter Twenty-Three


My nerves are shot.

Not only from Eva finding out everything, but also taking her off clubhouse property is a huge risk. If Andrés or one of his men sees her, there will be hell to pay.

But Eva needs this.

We need this.

If I’m going to have any hope of getting Eva back on my side, I have to give a little. I need to show her I’m not a heartless bastard, and I have compassion for her. This is the only way I can think of to do that. If I give her a full-face helmet to cover her face, this ride shouldn’t be a problem.

Give her a sense of freedom without anyone knowing it’s her.

We should be fine.

Walking hand in hand with her to my bike, an ease washes over us. Unlike the tension clouding us moments before, she’s relaxing, and it’s easing my nerves a little. We reach my ride, and I grab the spare helmet from the rack on the fence and walk it over to her. “You need to wear this, Chiquita. It covers your face, keeps the wind from whipping in your eyes, but above all, it will keep you hidden.”

She nods as I pull it down over her head, encasing her in. I can’t help but smile at the big black helmet smothering her. I slide up the visor to make sure she’s okay in there. “You good?”

“This is comfy,” she replies, but her tone is muffled. I tap her on the top of her helmet, then I slide onto my ride. “You have to keep a firm grip around me. When the bike moves, you move with it. Nothing jerky or overstated, okay?”

She winks at me in understanding. I gesture for her to move in behind me. My stomach tenses when she shifts into place. The feeling foreign for me, but as soon Copyright 2016 - 2024