Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,51

and got you?”

She hesitates. “Yeah, him… Void… and a few others. It was all pretty simple and quick. Nycto told me he had you. I remembered Void from when he tried to put me in the van when we got off the boat, so I knew they had been in contact with you. I had to trust them. They went to the trouble to get me out of there, so I knew it couldn’t be all bad. I had no clue what the old dude was going to do to me, so I figured, fuck it. What did I have to lose?”

“Who convinced you to come?”

She hesitates again. I’m not sure why, but then her lips slowly turn upward. “Void.”

So that’s the connection she has to him.

“And you were okay with them keeping me from you for a day?”

She shrugs. “Didn’t have a choice, but I knew you were here, so it was only a matter of time. I was okay with waiting while they were making sure I was okay.”

Sighing, I reach out, pulling her to me again in another embrace. “I know I’ve said it, but I am so glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.” She pulls back. “Now, stop avoiding the issue and talk to me about Nycto.”

“Jesus Christ… where do I start?”

“Just tell me. Do you like him?”

I tense up. Do I like him?

Sometimes I hate him.

Sometimes I crave him.

Do I like Nycto? As in, do I want to pursue something romantic with him?

“Honestly, I…”

Chapter Nineteen


Bringing the shot of tequila to my lips, I throw my head back as I let the caramel-colored liquid burn all the way down my gullet. Void sits back watching me without taking the shot sitting in front of him.

“Hit me, Stace,” I demand, slamming the shot back on the bar.

Void grabs my glass placing his hand over the top of it, halting Stacey from pouring my fifth shot. “He’s had enough,” Void tells Stacey, then tilts his head instructing her to leave.

I grumble under my breath, shoving his hand away. “You’re a fucking pussy.”

“I am? You’re the one up here sulking or some shit.”

“I’m not fucking sulking.”

“You gonna pout and throw a tantrum?”

“Fuck you!”

“Why are you acting miserable. Eva’s staying… isn’t that what you wanted?”

I groan, swiveling on my stool, turning my back to the bar. “Yes, and it’s all going to plan—”

“Then what the fuck are you bitching about?”

“What if Eva finds out? What if someone lets it slip? What if this all comes tumbling down around my stupid ass and she leaves? Not only does it put her in danger but us, too. I have royally fucked this shit up from the start.”

Void slaps my shoulder. “Then, we have to make sure Eva never finds out.” He picks up his shot, throwing it back.

Now he finds a reason to drink.

“Exactly my point. Eva can’t find out. No matter what. You have to drill it into Ivy.”

“She’s smart. She knows what’s on the line.”

“You think Eva’s gonna stay down there all night?”

“You’re the president of the Tampa RBMC. Stop thinking with your dick. Get your head into gear, Prez.”

“The fuck did you say?”

“Look, I know Eva has your balls in a twist, but since her, you’ve put this club at risk. You’ve changed into this person I don’t even recognize. I’ve never seen you so tied in fucking knots. While it’s good to see you putting someone before yourself for a change, you’re putting her before your brothers.”

I glare at him. “You got your panties in a twist ‘cause Ivy’s not putting out for you?”

“You’re an asshole!” He stands, pushing the glass across the bar in frustration and walks off.

It wasn’t my intention to argue with Void. He’s been the only brother on my side through this mess. The one brother I can count on. Taking Eva and Ivy in has been a hardship for the club. If Andrés finds out, we will be in a world of shit.

Running my hand through my hair, I glance at the stairs, willing Eva to come up them, but there is no sign of her. So, I stand to make my way to my room. Eva needs to spend time with her sister. I get it. I’ll give her that. I also have to show some trust that they won’t leave. For now, I need to have a shower and wash some of this frustration off me.

Opening the door to my bedroom, it’s strange entering and Eva not being there. The whole room smells Copyright 2016 - 2024