Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,27

get herself in order before I go in to see her. But fuck, it’s going to be hard being able to smell her desire throughout my room and not take advantage.


Something bangs in the room making me open my eyes in concern. “Holy shit! What the fuck was that?”

The best orgasm of your life while thinking about me?

I try to calm my raging boner as I unlock the door. I do it loudly, so she’s aware I’m coming in.

“Shit,” she murmurs, but her frantic movements on the bed like she’s trying to hide evidence is clear for me to hear.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and walk in, closing it behind me. I prepare myself for the sight. Steadying my shoulders, I turn, and she’s propped up on the bed in an overly exaggerated way, tussling with her hair. Her cheeks are bright with color, her eyes sparkling with life, and her breathing still quick.

She’s trying too hard to compensate.

She’s guilty as hell.

“Doing some light reading?” I ask while keeping my distance from her. I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.

Her eyes widen. “What? No… I mean, yes. but it’s nothing you’d care about.”

Smirking, I know where this is headed. Trixie was bringing in some of her books. She probably brought in her mommy porn. I get it now.

“I hope the books are good enough to keep you entertained?”

Eva’s cheeks flush again as she wraps her arms around herself. I have to admit, this bashful side of her is fucking cute as hell.

“They’ll get me by. Trixie said you weren’t coming around for a while. Is something happening?”

I cock my head. “It’s been nearly four hours since I was in here, Eva. Just wanted to check on you. Make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m good,” her voice comes out high-pitched, completely overcompensating, then she clears her throat. “I’m good. Maybe a little hungry,” she lowers her voice back to normal.

I walk over to the bed. The sheets are tangled. I wish I were there when she tangled them. Her eyes follow my line of sight, and her hands quickly move out, straightening the bed sheets. Inwardly, I grin as I sit without bringing up anything about what she was just doing in here, even though it’s written all over her face.

“Eva, I know you don’t want to stay cooped up in here forever. I don’t want that for you either. The only way we’re going to be able to let you come out into the clubroom to eat is if I’m sure you’re not going to run or make some kind of attempt to find Ivy.”

Her shoulders slump. “I can’t give you that promise, Nycto. I have no idea if you know what it’s like to have a bond with someone, someone who’s like another part of you, but if you do, then you know I can’t give up on her.”

I clench my eyes shut.

I’m a fucking asshole. I should tell her.

I should tell her now, but we’re not in a good enough place just yet.

She will turn on me in a heartbeat. I need her to trust me. To want her to want to stay before I give her a reason to want to leave.

“I understand. So you have to understand why the longer I consider you a threat to your own and my club’s safety, I have to keep you in here.”

She sinks in on herself. “Do you think you can try and find Ivy for me? Get her back?”

My eyes widen.

Well, fuck me!

Maybe this could be my out.

Maybe I can tell Eva I found Ivy, then she will perceive me as a hero and not the villain in this story.

Who am I kidding?

That will never work.

“I’ll do what I can, Eva. I’m sure Ivy’s being taken care of. Remember, she’s special. So, whoever has her will be taking care of her.”

Fucking asshole.

“I hope so. I can’t stand to imagine her being hurt.”

“How ‘bout this? I will put Void on the case to see if he can track her down and get him to give me daily updates. If we find anything, I’ll let you know?”

Next level asshole.

She slides in against me, cuddling into my side. I smell her arousal the closer she gets, my cock presses against the seam of my jeans. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I pull her closer to me, wishing I could slide my head between her thighs to taste what I smell because that shit’s driving me fucking crazy.

“Thank you, Nycto. Copyright 2016 - 2024