The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,67

was calling on Phillipa and Abigail this morning. Told me not to expect her for lunch, which doesn’t bode well for whatever trouble they may get up to.”

“Led by Abigail?” Gilmore muttered. “We ought to call the guard.”

Rhys ignored him and said, “I’m pleased to hear we may have you for the entire day. We may need you. Have you any updates regarding Rosie Stanton?”

Owen’s expression grew serious. “Not much more than we had in the last few days. She has been seen at a few of her old haunts, but nothing concrete to help me determine why she is here and if she intends any nefarious deeds.”

“Rosie Stanton?” Gilmore repeated. “I thought she left the country after Erasmus’s unfortunate…accident.”

The men caught the duke up on the turn of events that had occurred while he was out of town. “I feel increasingly uncomfortable with the woman’s whereabouts being unknown,” Rhys said when the background had been shared. “Especially since Phillipa and Kenley’s new residence will be ready tomorrow, at least according to my solicitor. They’ll move there and so will the guard I’ve put on them, but it’s still a new environment and I’d prefer this be resolved before they go there.”

“What do you suggest?” Owen asked.

“A sweep, rather like we did the first time we searched for her weeks ago. The three of us would make a formidable team,” Rhys said. “Assuming you would be willing to assist, Gilmore.”

The duke nodded. “Of course.”

“Good.” Rhys sighed in relief. “Why don’t we start at the tavern where she worked for her father?”

“I agree,” Owen said. “Though we didn’t get much of a welcome the last time we went there, if you recall.”

Rhys shrugged. “I don’t care if they spit in my ale. I just want information.”

“Very well,” Owen said. “Shall we go now?”

They agreed to the idea, and Owen’s rig was brought around since it was the only one without an identifying crest to draw attention. But as they all filed into the carriage, talking and scheming at once, Rhys felt no excitement at what he was doing. His conversation with Gilmore had stirred a great many questions in his mind.

Including whether or not his happiness was something he could ever consider again when planning his future.

Pippa followed Abigail from the carriage and stared at the house before her. The home Erasmus had shared with Rosie once they came to London. The place where she and her friends had been held captive, where Erasmus had died, weeks before. She shivered.

“I’m glad Celeste stayed back with Kenley. She was held at gunpoint here…I think it might have been upsetting.”

“It’s certainly upsetting to me,” Abigail said.

“It’s even more haunting all boarded up like this,” Pippa murmured as she looked at the slabs of wood that crisscrossed the windows and the door. She could still see partially inside, and the house did look empty.

Abigail nodded. “Yes. Rhys said something about it before you left for Bath. He had it cleaned up, cleared out and closed. I assume he’ll sell it once he gets a few more affairs in order.”

Pippa turned her face. She was one of those affairs he had to get in order. Another weight on his shoulders. Perhaps being with her had temporarily lifted that weight, but it wasn’t permanent. Perhaps nothing was, in the end.

She cleared her throat. “I still think we should knock.”

Abigail signaled for her driver to remain where he was before they walked up together. She thrust her shoulders back and was the one to do the honors. But of course no one answered. The abandoned appearance of the house was true.

“Can I help you?”

Pippa jumped and the group turned. A woman had come down from one of the nearby homes, a broom in her hand, her hair in a kerchief.

“Er, yes,” Pippa said. “Our old friend Rosie lived here once. We were trying to surprise her with a call.”

The woman bent her head. “Oh, you won’t find her here, I’m afraid. Poor lamb lost her husband a few weeks ago. Place was all closed up after.”

“That is very sad,” Pippa choked out.

“I don’t suppose you know where she went then?” Abigail asked with a warm smile.

“Well, when I last saw her a few days ago, she said something about going back to where she started. Don’t know what it meant, though.”

Pippa stared. “Wait, you saw Rosie Stanton here…a few days ago?”

“Aye.” The woman leaned on her broomstick. “The house was already boarded up, but she was coming Copyright 2016 - 2024