The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,57

house created an excellent short cut to his home, though he wasn’t thinking about home or anything he had to do. He only had one thought: Pippa.


He snapped his head up at the sound of his name being called from behind him. He turned and saw Owen Gregory rushing up behind him. His heart sank. He was not in the mood to talk, even with a man he’d come to consider a friend. Gregory was too good an investigator not to see all the things Rhys wished to conceal. But there was no way to avoid the encounter, so he stopped and stepped off the path so Gregory could catch up.

“I didn’t hear you there,” Rhys said.

“I know,” Owen panted. “I’ve been following you for some time, saying your name.”

“Ah.” Rhys shook his head. “Woolgathering, I suppose.”

“I know you have a great deal on your mind,” Gregory said. “Were you able to take care of everything in Bath?”

Rhys pursed his lips and tried not to think of making love to Phillipa. Of the bonds they had formed there and how much they mattered. If he thought too hard about it, Gregory would see. Perhaps he’d never bring it up, but he would know.

“I think I managed,” Rhys said carefully. “Though with my brother, one can never be certain. The solicitor I hired believed he uncovered all the debts and issues and I resolved them.”

Gregory’s expression softened. “I am very sorry. I’m sure that wasn’t easy. But now that you are back in London, at least I can help you.”

Rhys snorted. “I’m not sure I can afford you anymore, Owen.”

Gregory lifted his eyebrows at the unexpected informality, but didn’t correct Rhys. “I wasn’t offering as an employee, Rhys.”

Rhys stared at him, this man who had been the bearer of bad news and was now offering to be a…friend, he supposed. And Rhys had few enough of those, even fewer thanks to the scandal.

“I would appreciate that,” he said softly. “Thank you.”

“I’ve been following up on Rosie Stanton while you were away,” Gregory said.

“Kenley’s mother,” Rhys said. “This never ends. Yes, I know before I left that there were rumors she had gotten on a ship, heading to America. Did that pan out?”

“She was seen on the docks, she inquired about passage twice, once to Maryland, again to Lower Canada, but…” Gregory held his gaze. “There is no evidence she actually boarded either ship.”

Rhys wrinkled his brow. “Why not? She murdered a man, and though it’s been covered up as an accident now, she must still fear the consequences. Why wouldn’t she start a new life?”

“One can only assume it is the attachment to her child that keeps her here,” Gregory said. “My larger concern is why she made such a public display of potentially leaving. It might be she simply changed her mind. But she could be trying to leave a trail that convinces us…convinces you…that she’s left when she’d really still here.”

Rhys’s stomach turned. “If it was done with that kind of subterfuge in mind, that is troubling, indeed.” He thought of Kenley and Phillipa, who would ultimately be the target of the woman if she had revenge or recovery in mind. “Can you subtly put guards on Abigail’s house?” he asked.

“I will make the arrangements,” Gregory said. “But shouldn’t you tell Pippa? And the others?”

Rhys nodded. “I should. And I will, but I’d like to wait until I know a little more. Until I’m more certain. Phillipa is…it’s difficult enough for her without adding what might be unwarranted fear to the mix.”

Gregory’s gaze held Rhys’s evenly. “I see.”

“I’m sure you do. It’s an annoying habit of yours. But I don’t wish to talk about it, not now at any rate.”

“It might help,” Gregory said softly.

“Yes, I suppose it might. But for right now, I want to just wallow in my misery. Feeling the pain lets me recall that there is something else to feel. Something worth the agony.” Rhys reached out a hand and Gregory shook it firmly. “Thank you for your help and for your friendship. I might not deserve it, but I appreciate it nonetheless.”

“You deserve it,” Gregory said. “And you shall always have it. Now I should return to my wife. I’ll have a guard on the house before sundown.”

Rhys inclined his head. “Again, thank you.”

He turned on his heel and walked away from his friend, but with every step his entire body felt heavier. This discussion was a stark reminder that his future had been Copyright 2016 - 2024