The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,55

her, expression gentle. “Welcome home, love. Well, home for a little while at any rate.”

Rhys cleared his throat. “Yes, I do apologize. The home my solicitor selected will be perfect for you, but it required a repair we did not anticipate. I’m assured it will be fully ready in less than a week’s time. Mr. and Mrs. Barton were kind enough to take the other carriage on ahead so they can fully prepare the place for your arrival.”

“And you offered me a place here,” Pippa said. “And I’m forever grateful. Though this screaming child may change your mind.”

As she said it, Nan stepped forward and held out her arms for Kenley. “Let me take him, ma’am. I’ll change him and get him to sleep, and I’m sure he’ll be right as rain in a few hours.”

Pippa handed the boy over gratefully, and Abigail signaled for a servant to escort Nan to the chamber for Kenley. “I’ve had adjoining rooms prepared for you and young Master Kenley, if that is all right with you.”

“Yes,” Pippa said. “Though Nan may end up being his nursemaid, I certainly want to be close to him.”

Rhys wrinkled his brow. “You want Nan as his nursemaid?”

She pressed her lips together. “Yes, I spoke to her about it in the carriage after lunch.”

He was quiet a moment, and then he inclined his head. “A very good choice. I suppose we will hire a new maid for you, then.”

She shook her head. “I am under your employ now, I think, my lord. I will no longer require a maid—I will make due for myself.”

He shifted slightly and the silence that hung between them must have been uncomfortable because Abigail slipped her arm into the crook of Pippa’s and squeezed gently. “Come in, won’t you both? I have a tea laid out with some wonderful delicacies and we’d love to chat with you.”

Rhys cleared his throat and shook his head. “I greatly appreciate it, Abigail, but I have much to do. I think I’ll walk home and stretch my legs before I get to it. Good afternoon to you all.”

He pivoted, his eyes remaining on Pippa for a moment too long before they were forced away. Then he stepped off, said a few words to the footman, apparently about his horse, if his gestures were of any indication.

Pippa stared after him, wishing tears didn’t fill her eyes again. Blinking at them as if she could will them not to fall.

Owen glanced at Celeste, and then he said, “I think I’ll follow him. I have something to discuss with him.”

He bounded off down the steps, leaving Abigail and Celeste behind. The three Mrs. Montgomerys stared at each other, much as they had the first time they’d met here weeks before. Only this time Pippa knew them both so well. She counted them as friends.

And she couldn’t hide her broken heart as she bent her head. Abigail and Celeste made twin sounds of distress as they hurried to her, and suddenly she was enveloped by them both. She let them buoy her up, guide her into the house.

“This is so silly,” she whispered.

Abigail shook her head as they led her to front parlor where the tea was spread out in waiting. “No it isn’t,” she insisted, smiling as Celeste took Pippa to the settee where they sat together. “Not in the slightest. Would you like something to eat or drink?”

“Perhaps in a moment,” Pippa said. “After I’ve gathered myself a little and not sniveling like a ninny.”

“Please, you aren’t sniveling,” Celeste said with a laugh. “But we can see how troubled you are. Oh, Pippa, what happened in Bath?”

Pippa worried her lip and stared at her clasped hands on her lap. Abigail took the seat on the other side of her and her two friends waited, very quietly, very patiently…though Pippa had no doubt she wasn’t going to be allowed to worm her way out of this.

She cleared her throat. “I had a difficult time with my parents upon my arrival. And there were some unpleasant encounters in the town now that the truth about Erasmus and his many wives is out in public.

Her two friends flinched. That was a fact that affected them all.

“I’m certain that was all very unpleasant,” Abigail said with a quick glance at Celeste. “But I think you know we’re asking about what happened between you and Lord Leighton.”

Pippa gasped and jerked her head up to find both her friends staring at her evenly. “I—”

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