The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,5

blank page,” Pippa whispered. “I’ve always been able to picture it, but now it’s just…gone.”

Abigail pulled a face. “God’s teeth, that’s a horrible idea. You can see some of a view of it, surely. You’ll leave for Bath in just a few hours and you will have much to do there. You and Lord Leighton.”

Pippa heard the shift in Abigail’s tone when she said Rhys’s name, and shut her eyes briefly. “You act as though we will be together during his time there. He has a great deal to manage—I’m an afterthought. He only considers me when it comes to what he believes he owes us all for his brother’s actions, and for the good of his nephew.”

“You think that is all?” Abigail asked, watching Pippa get to her feet and pace away.

“Of course it is,” Pippa insisted, stopping before the fire and staring into the flames. “There could never be anything more to it, even if I wanted there to be. Lord Leighton needs to tidy up his reputation, connecting himself with me in any way would do nothing for that purpose. He needs to find a lady of impeccable actions and credentials. Someone who will make Society forget what Erasmus did, not remind them of it every time she enters a room.”

“Pippa—” Abigail began.

Pippa shook her head and faced her with a smile that felt as forced as anything. “He will be here shortly, and I still have a great deal of preparing to do. Would you come help me?”

Abigail studied her a moment, then got to her feet. “Of course. I’d do anything you needed, love. Anything at all.”

Pippa knew that was true as they linked arms and headed up to her chamber for the last gathering of items and checking of drawers and cupboards. That was the only way Abigail could help her now. The rest of what she needed to do and how she needed to behave rested entirely upon her own shoulders.

And she was determined not to fail or fall victim to a temptation that could never be.

Rhys’s carriage arrived exactly on time a few hours later, and Pippa found herself watching as he chatted with the servants that had loaded her bags. He was very kind, jovial even. A few times he cracked a smile during the endeavor, and she was mesmerized.

Rhys hadn’t done much smiling in the short time she’d known the man. For obvious reasons.

But at last everything was prepared and the time had come. He joined her and Abigail on the step for the farewells.

“Do take good care of her, my lord,” Abigail said with a pointed glance in his direction that made Pippa blush.

“I will, Abigail,” he promised as he took both her hands briefly. “And you and I will have a great deal to discuss when I return. I have not forgotten you in all this.”

Pippa turned away slightly. Unlike the other wives, Rhys had always known Abigail, for she was the only legal one in the bunch. The two seemed to share a casual friendship, and that was to be expected.

Still, there was something about looking at it that made Pippa’s own heart throb a little harder.

“I know you haven’t. We’ll talk upon your return.” Abigail pivoted to Pippa, tears in her dark eyes. “Oh no. I hate this. You must promise me you’ll come back to London.”

There was a wildness in Abigail’s tone. A desperation that Pippa rarely heard from her. She nodded even though she wasn’t certain she would be able to come back here for a very long time. “I will.”

They hugged, both trembling as they clung to each other. Finally, Abigail released her and turned away. “Forgive me, I do not think I could bear watching you go.”

She fled into the house, and Pippa lifted a hand to her mouth to catch a sob. She stared at the door Abigail left open in her haste, breath coming hard and heavy as emotion overwhelmed her.

“Come now,” Rhys said softly, and she jumped when he took her arm.

She glanced up at him and her breath disappeared for a far different reason. He was staring down at her, face lined with concern and gentle understanding, and for a brief moment she wanted to turn into his chest. She wanted his arms to come around her. She wanted to breathe in the scent of him through his coat and know what his warmth felt like.

He darted his gaze away as if he could read those inappropriate thoughts Copyright 2016 - 2024