The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,40

have choices and never despair.”

“You don’t want him to become reckless, like his father was,” Pippa said. “Because you still blame yourself for that.”

Rhys winced. “You know me so well. Yes. When my brother’s behavior became untenable, I cut him off. And the removal of his income led him to the ruination of everyone around him.”

“Because that was when he pursued and illegally married me.”

His head dropped. “Yes. And then Celeste. And then pursued my best friend’s sister as his fourth quarry. What I did led to pain for so many others. I don’t want Kenley to ever have to travel that same path because I didn’t provide for him.”

Pippa reached for him, caught his hand and threaded her fingers through his. “Your brother’s behavior is not your fault. It never was. And Kenley’s will not be either.”

He pursed his lips. “It’s my duty to put him on the right path.”

“Of course,” she said. “But once he is a man, it is his responsibility to walk it. You didn’t create the monster Erasmus became. That was born from years of dissolute behavior that he simply hid better. You did the right thing in cutting him off. A greater man than him would have evaluated that fact and changed, tried to prove himself to you. Rather than become an even worse version of what you accused him of being.”

“How is it you can make things so easy?” he asked.

She shrugged. “May I ask you for a few details of what you would like Kenley’s future to look like?”

He nodded. “Of course. You have a stake in it, I value your opinion.”

“You mentioned funds for his future. For raising and educating him. What details did you establish for the latter?”

“Well, the best tutors, obviously,” he said. “That will not come at a low cost, as they’ll have to travel to him and likely stay. Not that Bath is such a terrible place.”

She wrinkled her brow. “Tutors,” she repeated slowly. “You mean when he is very young, I suppose.”

He stared at her. “Yes. He is of the right age to have a nursemaid, you know that. You’ve been acting the role, as has Mrs. Barton, but as he grows up a bit, that will be difficult. That would be the first thing.”

Pippa pursed her lips. “I do not mind being caretaker, Rhys. I like it.”

“I know you do. I don’t want to take anything away from you, only make it easier. You have a unique bond with the boy, but wouldn’t you like help now and then? Wouldn’t you like not to make so many demands on Mrs. Barton?”

She glared at him slightly. “You do know how to sling those arrows, my lord. I know you are right that I haven’t been entirely fair to Mrs. Barton by asking her to take on so much with Kenley. I suppose having another hand, someone dedicated solely to him, would not be the worst thing.”

“Very good. When he’s four or five, I assume we’ll hire him a tutor. That person might change over time, but I will make sure one is provided until Kenley is ready to go into the world, himself.”

She blinked in confusion. “You do not picture that he would go to Eton or another boarding school for this primary education? Or on to Cambridge or another institution when he was ready?”

Rhys stared at her a moment, a brief hesitation that yanked her mind back to the earlier exchange with Mrs. Barton. That Rhys wouldn’t want the scandal associated with publicly attaching himself to his nephew.

“Places like Eton, especially, can be difficult for boys who do not come from the ruling class. Truths like his are bound to come out. They could cause issues.”

She folded her arms. “For Kenley…or for you?”

His nostrils flared and he tilted his head to examine her a little more closely. Then he got to his feet and stalked to the door, where he rang the bell. When Mrs. Barton arrived, he spoke to her a moment and the housekeeper came into the room and took Kenley and his toys.

“It’s time for his nap at any rate,” she said, her voice bright. She didn’t seem to sense the tension that now pulsed between Pippa and Rhys.

All the better for it, and Pippa fought to control her temper during the few moments Rhys couldn’t respond to her jab. When Mrs. Barton had left them, he shut the door and leaned on it. “I thought there was no reason for the Copyright 2016 - 2024