The Defiant Wife (The Three Mrs #2) - Jess Michaels Page 0,23

to do this,” he said.

“Do what?” she asked.

“Go through his desk,” he explained. “I imagine there might be…hurtful items to be found there.”

She glanced down at the open drawer. “Yes, I’m sure there will be harmful things. But I must be a part of the search. After all, this is my house.” She lifted her gaze back to his and the way he pursed his lips made her heart rate increase. “Isn’t it?”

He sighed and reached back to close the door. She knew it was for privacy when it came to the delicate topic, but she still tracked the movement as if it could mean so much more.

Rhys stepped closer. “After Erasmus’s death, in the weeks before we left London, I met with a solicitor in regards to his affairs.”

“Please don’t draw this out,” she whispered. “Your expression is so frightening right now.”

He shook his head. “I’m sorry. My brother made no arrangements…for any of his wives.”

“Oh,” she murmured as she collapsed back in the chair she had vacated. She set her hands on the desktop, staring at them as if they were attached to someone else.

Rhys edged closer. “All his assets, such that they are, seem to be returning to the estate. To me. Along with his not insignificant debts.”

She managed to look up at him. “So it is as I guessed…the house here is yours,” she said.

“It appears to be. Though I believe he might have taken loans out against it, so there are a few creditors who might make a claim.”

“Oh God,” she said, and rested her head down on her hands. Nausea washed over her and she sat there trying not to vomit for a moment.

But then, as the sick feeling faded, it was replaced by something else entirely. Anger. She’d so often felt that emotion when it came to Erasmus, but she’d always shoved it down, hoping to maintain some control over herself.

But now there was none of that. The rage rushed up in her, making her arms tingle, making her face hot as she lifted it to stare at Rhys.

“How could he?” she snapped. “How could he be so horrible, so selfish, so utterly graceless and cruel?”

She slammed her hands down against the desk. She hit it so hard, both her arms stung, and she shook her hands out as she got up and paced across the room. “That bastard took everything from anyone he encountered. From my friends, from his child. From me. He took my dignity, my future, my hopes.”

She wiped at tears that had begun to burn her cheeks and tried to calm her breath, but it didn’t seem possible.

Rhys was staring at her from across the room, and for a moment she thought he might chastise her for this unseemly display. But instead, he crossed the room. “Don’t stop there. What else?”


“What else, Phillipa? Say it all, don’t let it fester inside of you.” He caught her hands. “Say it.”

“I hate him,” she said. “I hate him so very much. I’m glad he is dead. I’m glad he can’t ever hurt me or you again.”

She tugged her hands away and clapped them both over her mouth as she stared at him. “Oh, Rhys, I’m sorry,” she said through the web of her fingers. “I should not have said that.”

His jaw set. “Some days I’m glad he is dead, too,” he admitted softly. “You told me yesterday afternoon that we were both overwrought, overwhelmed, and I know that is true. I have an idea on how we could vent some of that emotion. Would you like to try?”

She felt the heat filling her cheeks at the suggestion. After all, she could think of a way to vent her emotions, too, but that couldn’t be his proposal.

“I-I don’t know,” she said.

He smiled at her, and for a moment she was lost in the expression. He had so rarely smiled in the horrific weeks they’d known each other. But it was beautiful, like someone had pulled back the curtains in a dark room and revealed the most glorious summer day.

“Trust me,” he said as he caught her hand and drew her toward the door. “I won’t steer you wrong.”

The fact that what he was about to do was highly inappropriate and ill-advised was something Rhys was trying not to focus on as he gathered a few items from his chamber before he rejoined Phillipa on the terrace where he’d left her moments before.

He had vowed to stay clear of her, especially in situations Copyright 2016 - 2024