Defending Bridget - P.J. Fiala Page 0,38

Then she remembered that Sophie was sending a plane. Looking at Axel in the mirror she asked, "Did my mom and Aidyn get on a plane to Lynyrd Station?"

His eyes blazed into hers. They were harder now. Different. Almost scary.


She inhaled and looked out the window again. She wanted to ask to borrow his phone, but if they needed it for communication in case someone else accosted them or new information came in, she didn't want to tie it up. Plus, everyone else in the vehicle with her probably wanted to call home, too. She'd wait till they got to the police department.

Axel slowed down since it seemed they weren't being followed any longer. He turned onto the onramp to the highway smoothly and she allowed herself to relax for the first time in several hours. She still had a fair amount of adrenaline pumping through her veins, so she wasn't able to fully relax, but just giving her back a slight rest relieved some tension.

Jennie Lee sat stoically next to her saying nothing but slid her hand over to Bridget's and squeezed. Turning her hand so their fingers locked, Bridget squeezed hers back.

"Great work back there." Bridget whispered.

Jennie Lee said nothing, but soft sniffles reached her ears and rather than asking anything else Bridget simply leaned her head against Jennie Lee's. Solidarity. Support.

The slowing of the vehicle to exit the highway had her raising her head. Glancing out the window she saw they were almost to the police station and her heartbeat sped up once again. She tried running all the information through her mind so she wouldn't forget anything. She she needed these men caught so she could sleep at night. They all needed that. None of them would ever feel safe again if they didn't stop these men and their sex trafficking ring. Being taken against your will is one of the most horrifying experiences a person can endure. The fact that they'd all gotten away was a miracle.

Two more turns and they were in the police parking lot. Axel parked the vehicle and the woman on the other side of the backseat opened the door immediately. Some of them smelled kind of bad, too. She'd just noticed that when the fresh air rushed in.

Opening her door and stepping out, she ran right into Axel who stood so close it was unnerving.

"Do you want to call them?"

His voice was tight, his posture was as well, but he held his phone out to her and she was anxious to call so she softly responded.

"Yes. Thanks."

Dialing her mom’s number with shaking fingers she put Axel's phone to her ear and took two steps away so Jennie Lee could exit the vehicle.

Axel closed the driver's door and leaned back against it with his arms crossed over his chest. Sophie must have told him that Aidyn was his. He was clearly one pissed off man. Why that unnerved her she didn't know. She tried looking for Robert Beckman. He had no one to blame but himself.


"Hi, Mom, I'm okay."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as her mom’s sobs on the other end of the phone reached her ears.

"I'm so relieved. Oh my God, Bridget, I was so scared for you."

"I'm okay. They saved us. Axel and Josh did. How are you and Aidyn?"

She started shaking and her legs grew weak. She was afraid she'd fall over so she leaned against the squad car next to them. Her eyes watched as the other women were escorted into the police station, then she glanced at Axel who stood as he was before arms crossed watching her.

"We're fine. We're here right now with Roxanne and Yvette. They are playing hide and seek with Aidyn."

His little giggles could be heard over the phone and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Does he want to talk to me?"

"Aidyn, Momma’s on the phone." her mom called.

So quickly his angelic little voice came on the phone.

"Hi, Momma. We're playing hide ‘n seek. I'm winning. I'm a good finder Roxanne said."

"You are a good finder. I'm glad you're having fun."

"Are you coming to see us here. It's cool. They have a vator."

Her mom giggled. "An elevator."

"That's so cool. Soon honey, okay?"


"Let me talk to Momma, Aid."

Her mom got the phone and asked, "When will you be coming here? Did they catch the men that took you and the others? Are you safe?"

Bridget inhaled a deep breath to gather her composure.

"No, they haven't captured them. We just arrived at the police Copyright 2016 - 2024