Defending Bridget - P.J. Fiala Page 0,32

Among all of us, if I go into labor, we'll be sure someone is with them and they are safe. They can stay in Jax's old rooms here."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Axel, it'll be alright."

"How about when you have this baby, someone comes and takes it away and you don't find out where it was for four and a half years? Would you say that was okay?"

"No. But, I didn't do that to you. And, it's the reality of your life right now. Deal with it. Being angry won't change it. Find Bridget and you two work it out. I'm trying to help."

He kept his eyes on the road but clenched his teeth together. "Got it." Jerking his head to the left he finished the call with a softer tone. "I'm sorry, Soph. Thank you."


The call ended and Josh spoke for the first time in a long while.

"You were pretty tough on her. Shows how tough she is that she didn't start crying. Hormones and all."

"Yeah, she's badass."

"If you aren't careful, she's going to kick your ass and the others just might enjoy watching it. Get your head on straight, man."

He turned out of the airport and onto the road leading them back to the gun range, the GHOST plane flew over them and Axel watched the best way he could as his son flew away from him.

"I've got it. Let's go find Bridget and the other women so I can go get to know my son."

"Now you're talking. First thing is Vivian gave me the keys to the house and she said Bridget kept notes in her laptop of important events. Sort of like a diary. Maybe there's information there on the woman from the airport. Also, we can stay there and use it as our base camp here."

"Gaige said the police also found Bridget's phone laying on the driver's seat. Likely who ever took her pulled it from her pocket to leave there so she wouldn't be traced. Why don't you call and see if they have anything from the phone? The last few pictures or calls."

Josh pulled his phone out and began working. Axel tried not looking up at the sky for the GHOST plane and focusing his attention on the plans they needed to make instead.

Following the roads back to Bridget's house Axel started running over the evidence they currently had. They were using Ketamine to sedate the women so there was no fight. Bridget felt followed right from Daggert Winery.

"Josh, see if you can find out which Uber driver picked Bridget up at Daggert. She felt followed from there. Maybe he or she will be able to give us some information on the vehicle or license plate. Also, the airport. Once we have the Uber driver, get the time he dropped Bridget at the airport. He'd have the time and place on his app. Then we'll need the airport security camera footage for that date and time. Let's see if we can find the vehicle that followed them and get the plate number and a visual on the woman following Bridget. There should be visuals of the woman at the airport, too."

"Shit. Now you're on fire."

He listened as Josh relayed the information to Gaige and Ford. Both of them began working immediately on their tasks. He turned into Bridget's driveway and let out a deeply held breath.

He and Josh hopped out of the vehicle, grabbed their go bags from the back and headed to the front entry. Josh tossed him the keys while he continued texting and Axel opened the door. Dropping his go bag on the floor, he looked around the room and remembered the first time he saw Aidyn. His heartbeat quickened. Walking through the living room and down the hall he'd watched Aidyn and Vivian take, he looked for his bedroom. It was easy to find, the colorful myriad of toys and games lying about, the primary blue bedspread and the red pillow were certainly a child's room colors. The white bed and matching dresser were neat. Someone had made the small twin bed this morning but left some of Aidyn's toys lying about. He likely couldn't decide which toys to take with him.

A picture on his dresser of Bridget and Aidyn, at a park, looked recent if Aidyn's age in the picture were to be believed. He picked up the picture and stared into her green eyes. Her reddish hair glowing around her beautiful face gave her the look of an angel. But the Copyright 2016 - 2024