Defend and Betray Page 0,43

defeated, who sees your emotional ugliness naked and is not afraid to call it by name, and yet does not turn from you or allow you to cease to struggle, who wills your survival as precious.

Therefore he went out in the early afternoon to meet Hester just outside Major Tiplady's apartment in Great Titchfield Street, and walk with her down to Oxford Street, where they could find an agreeable place to take tea or hot chocolate. Perhaps her company would even be pleasant.

He had barely arrived at Tiplady's house when she came down the steps, head high, back stiff as if she were on parade. It reminded him sharply of the first occasion on which they had met; she had a very individual way of carrying herself. It both jarred on him for its assurance and sense of purpose, not a feminine characteristic at all, rather more like a soldier; and also was oddly comforting because of its familiarity. It evoked most sharply the way she alone had been willing to fight the Grey case and had not recoiled from him in horror or disappointment when his part in it all had looked not only hopeless but inexcusable.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Monk," she said rather stiffly. She made no concession to ordinary civilities and the small trifles that most people indulged in as a preamble to more serious conversation."Have you begun on the Carlyon case? I imagine it is not easy. I admit, from what Edith Sobell says, there can be little chance of a happy outcome. Still, to send the wrong person to the gallows would be even worse - as, I presume, we are agreed?" She shot him a sharp, very candid glance.

There was no need to make any comment; memory was a blade pointed between them, full of pain, but there was no blame in it, only shared emotion.

"I haven't seen Mrs. Carlyon herself yet." He set a smart pace and she kept up with him without difficulty. "I shall do that tomorrow. Rathbone has arranged it for me in the morning. Do you know her?"

"No - I know only the general's family, and that very slightly."

"What is your opinion?"

"That is a very large question." She hesitated, uncertain what her considered judgment was.

He looked at her with unconcealed scorn.

"You have become uncharacteristically genteel, Miss Latterly. You were never backwards in expressing your opinions of people in the past." He smiled wryly. "But of course that was when your opinion was unasked for. The fact that I am interested seems to have frozen your tongue."

"I thought you wanted a considered opinion," she retorted brusquely. "Not something merely given on the spur of the moment and without reflection."

"Assuming your opinions in the past have been on the spur of the moment, perhaps a considered opinion would be better," he agreed with a tight smile.

They came to the curb, hesitated while a carriage went past, harness gleaming, horses stepping high, then crossed Margaret Street into Market Place. Oxford Street was clearly visible ahead of them, crowded with traffic, all manner of vehicles of fashion, business, leisure and trade, pedestrians, idlers and street sellers of every sort.

"Mrs. Randolph Carlyon seems to be the most powerful member of the family," Hester answered when they reached the farther pavement. "A very forceful person, I should judge, ten years younger than her husband, and perhaps in better health - "

"It is unlike you to be so diplomatic," he interrupted. "Do you mean the old man is senile?"

"I - I'm not sure."

He glanced at her with surprise. "It is unlike you not to say what you mean. You used to err on the side of being far too frank. Have you suddenly become tactful, Hester? Why, for heaven's sake?"

"I am not tactful," she snapped back. "I am trying to be accurate - which is not at all the same thing." She lengthened her stride a fraction."I am not sure whether he is senile or not. I have not seen him at sufficient length to judge. It is my opinion so far that he is definitely losing his vitality but that she was always the stronger personality of the two."

"Bravo," he said with slightly sarcastic approval. "And Mrs. Sobell, who seems to think her sister-in-law innocent? Is she a rose-gathering optimist? It seems, in the face of a confession, about the only sort of person who could still imagine there is anything to be done for Mrs. Carlyon, apart from pray for her soul."

"No she isn't," she Copyright 2016 - 2024