Defend and Betray Page 0,143

saw me in consultation. She was so disturbed as to be hysterical - I use the word intentionally. But she never gave me any reason, only wild hints and accusations."

"Of what?" Lovat-Smith frowned. His voice rose dramatically with interest, as if he did not know what the answer would be, although Monk, sitting almost in the same seat as on the previous day, assumed he must. Surely he was far too skilled to have asked the question without first knowing the answer. Although it was just possible his case was so strong, and proceeding without challenge, that he might have thought he could take the risk.

The jury leaned forward a trifle; there was a tiny rustle of movement. Beside Monk on the bench Hester stiffened. The spectators near them felt no such restraints of delicacy as the jury. They stared at Alexandra quite openly, faces agog.

"Accusations of unfaithfulness on the general's part?" Lovat-Smith prompted.

The judge looked at Rathbone. Lovat-Smith was leading the witness. Rathbone said nothing. The judge's face tightened, but he did not interrupt.

"No," Hargrave said reluctantly. He drew in his breath. "At least, they were unspecific, I was not sure. I think she was merely speaking wildly, lashing out at anyone. She was hysterical; it made no sense."

"I see. Thank you." Lovat-Smith inclined his head. "That is all, Doctor. Please remain where you are, in case my learned friend wishes to question you."

"Oh indeed, I do." Rathbone rose to his feet, his voice purring, his movements tigerlike. "You spoke most frankly about the Carlyon family, and I accept that you have told us all you know, trivial as that is." He looked up at Hargrave in the high, pulpitlike witness stand. "Am I correct, Dr. Hargrave, in supposing that your friendship with them dates back some fifteen or sixteen years?"

"Yes, you are." Hargrave was puzzled; he had already said this to Lovat-Smith.

"In fact as a friendship with the family, rather than General Carlyon, it ceased some fourteen years ago, and you have seen little of them since then?"

"I - suppose so." Hargrave was reluctant, but not disturbed; his sandy face held no disquiet. It seemed a minor point.

"So in fact you cannot speak with any authority on the character of, for example, Mrs. Felicia Carlyon? Or Colonel Carlyon?"

Hargrave shrugged. It was an oddly graceful gesture. "If you like. It hardly seems to matter; they are not on trial."

Rathbone smiled, showing all his teeth.

"But you mentioned your friendship with General Carlyon?"

"Yes. I was his physician, as well as that of his wife and family."

"Indeed, I am coming to mat. You say that Mrs. Carlyon, the accused, began to exhibit signs of extreme distress-indeed you used the word hysteria!"

"Yes - I regret to say she did," Hargrave agreed.

"What did she do, precisely, Doctor?"

Hargrave looked uncomfortable. He glanced at the judge, who met his eyes without response.

"The question disturbs you?" Rathbone remarked.

"It seems unnecessarily - exposing - of a patient's vulnerability," Hargrave replied, but his eyes remained on Rathbone; Alexandra herself might have been absent for all the awareness he showed of her.

"You may leave Mrs. Carlyon's interest in my hands," Rathbone assured him. "I am here to represent her. Please answer my question. Describe her behavior. Did she scream?" He leaned back a little to stare up at Hargrave, his eyes very wide. "Did she faint, take a fit?" He spread his hands wide. "Throw herself about, have hallucinations? In what way was she hysterical?"

Hargrave sighed impatiently. "You exhibit a layman's idea of hysteria, if you pardon my saying so. Hysteria is a state of mind where control is lost, not necessarily a matter of uncontrolled physical behavior."

"How did you know her mind was out of control, Dr. Hargrave?" Rathbone was very polite. Watching him, Monk longed for him to be thoroughly rude, to tear Hargrave to pieces in front of the jury. But his better sense knew it would forfeit their sympathy, which in the end was what would win or lose them the case - and Alexandra's life.

Hargrave thought for a moment before beginning.

"She could not keep still," he said at length. "She kept moving from one position to another, at times unable even to remain seated. Her whole body shook and when she picked up something, I forget what, it,slipped through her fingers. Her voice was trembling and she fumbled her words. She wept uncontrollably."

"But no deliriums, hallucinations, fainting, screaming?" Rathbone pressed.

"No. I have told you not." Hargrave was impatient and he glanced at the jury, knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024