Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,87

help,” Rena begins.

I roll my eyes. No hi, how are you? We’re happy you didn’t die. Just straight down to business. I clench my jaw, biting down hard to avoid screaming at them. “And why would I do that?”

Rena’s eyes narrow. “They would have killed you, Eve. Period. We saved you. We risked everything.”

Will holds up his hand stopping her. “Rena, you should go. Let me talk to her alone.”

Rena doesn’t say anything else, but she drops her eyes to the floor and stalks for the door. “Not everything has a happy ending,” she says, then disappears from the room.

I turn to Will, my eyes begging him for answers. He takes his time, urging me to sit. I refuse. I need to remain standing. I need to grasp onto the tiny bit of control I have left.

Will shrugs and sits down on the bed facing me. “I’m sorry about Rena.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I assume you’ve been briefed on the plan?” he asks.

I nod.

“And you’ll come with us?”

I nod again. If this is all we’re going to talk about, I’ll explode. I’m ready to run to him and beat my fists against his chest. Who is this cold, calculated man and what has he done with my Will? I pull in a breath and the words tumble from my lips before I can stop them. “Did you ever even consider coming with me?”

He hesitates, and it’s the longest ten seconds of my life. “I considered it,” he says finally.

“That’s not good enough.”

Will sighs, squeezing his eyes closed. “I had no other choice than to stay behind, Eve. It was more important than what I wanted, which was of course to follow you into the woods.” His eyes meet mine, and finally I see the real him. Longing and sorrow and just plain exhaustion are etched into his features. What has he been through for the past six months?

“Stephen?” I don’t know quite how to ask what became of his brother.

He nods. “He’s safe. Still at home with my parents. We were able to put a ban on all new mindscans just in time. I’ve checked on your mom periodically too. She’s doing well, Eve. She was happy I got you out of here.”

He’s checked on my mom? My knees buckle, and I slid to the floor, collapsing in a heap. Will comes toward me, kneeling on the ground beside me. I see now that he was acting selflessly, staying behind for Stephen, for future generations, for all of us. How can I stay mad? I thought he was being selfish, or that perhaps never felt anything for me. I clasp my hands in front of me. “Why was Rena acting like that?”

He closes his eyes. “She’s changed, Eve. Don’t take it personally. She’s been hurt and abandoned too many times by those she was close to. It’s easier for her to pretend to be all business. She missed you too, you know.”

I don’t respond, deciding it doesn’t really matter. Rena’s never been the warm and fuzzy type, but she always came through for me when it mattered. I suppose this is no different.

Will rubs absently at the back of his neck. “That guy you’re rooming with…”

“Kai,” I offer.

He nods. “Are you with him?” His expression is guarded, like he’s bracing for my answer. Part of me wants to make him suffer, but we’ve all suffered enough and my heart squeezes at the lost look in his eyes.

“No…I…” I don’t know how to explain my relationship with Kai. “He’s been helping piece me back together,” I say.

Will flinches at the implication that I’m broken. “But he thinks there’s hope for more.”

I nod. “Yes.”

He meets my eyes, tipping my chin up and stroking my cheek with his thumb. “Is there still hope for us?” he whispers.

I don’t answer, but apparently Will sees what he needs to in my expression, because he leans forward and presses his lips to mine. The pain and sadness of the past six months are driven from my heart in that one kiss, because in that one simple touch, I feel his love pulsing all around me. Will lifts me from the floor without breaking the kiss and places me in the center of his bed.

I want to ask him if he missed me, if he thought of me, but suddenly none of it matters. I know he did. He kisses my lips, my jaw, my throat like a man possessed and I tug Copyright 2016 - 2024