Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,86

room on shaky legs.

“Kai, it’s okay.” My hand on his arm pulls him away from the door. I stand facing Will, my bleary eyes fighting to focus. Seeing him again steals my breath and my skin erupts in tingles. His jaw is tense, his eyes wavering between me and Kai in intense scrutiny.

“Eve?” His voice is soft , nothing like the look on his face which is currently scaring the crap out of me.

“Will,” I say simply. I refuse to break down at the sight of him. I will not throw myself into his arms, no matter how much I might want to. I stuff my hands into my pockets so I don’t reach for him, and I lock my knees together to remain upright.

His eyes go soft and he swallows down the lump in his throat, seemingly just as at a loss for words as I am. His gaze leaves me to glance down at my wrist. The last time we were together, he cut me open – literally and figuratively. He owned me. And in this moment, I want to pretend that he doesn’t, but we both know he still does.

I’ve forgotten Kai is still beside me and he steps forward, placing a hand carefully on my shoulder. “Is this him?”

Will flinches at his words and his mouth presses into a stark line when Kai touches me.

Good. I want it to hurt. I want him to wonder who Kai is to me. “Yes,” I say simply. “This is him.”

Chapter 35

“People think it is holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.”

- Unknown

The slip of paper Will pressed into my hand before leaving is quite literally burning a hole in my pocket. Out of respect for Kai, I wait until he leaves to go talk to Wilson before reading it. It’s just three lines, hastily written in a messy scrawl.

Let me explain. Meet me tonight. My room.


I pace the tiny room. Why should I go to him? Why didn’t he just explain things when he stopped by earlier? I hate how he’s making me wait, turning this into some awkward game. But what choice do I have? Of course I’m going to go, of course I want to hear his explanation.

The only thing that doesn’t sit right is that he wants me to meet him in his private room. The two of us alone together might not be the best idea. I’m bound to either kiss him, or kill him – not sure which, but neither is a good idea.

Kai returns with dinner for us both and I eat in silence while he fills me in on Wilson’s plan. Apparently he and Will are in agreement that all the Defects should be released from their cells and together, we’ll march into the capital in an attempt to take over power. I should be paying attention, poking holes in the idea, plotting my own survival strategy, but all I can think about is my own poor shattered heart, and about how and when I might get to see my mother.

After we eat, I make a bed on the floor and tell him to take the bed. He puts up a fight I insist until he gives in. I can’t have him sleeping on the floor if I plan to sneak out later. I don’t want to have to step around him and possibly wake him.

Thankfully, Kai falls asleep quickly, and I wait a little extra time just to be sure he’s out, but when I hear his soft snores, I know it’s time to go. Now or never.

I tiptoe from the room and like it was just yesterday, my body leads me to Will’s room. He could have moved into a bigger or better room with all the officials being gone, but apparently he didn’t. I knock softly at his door and a second later, I hear his footsteps pad across the room.

When the door opens, Will stands before me in his camouflage cargo pants, white T-shirt and bare feet. My heart kicks into overdrive at the sight of him. He opens the door further, urging me to enter and I see that Rena’s inside.

Oh. Because apparently we need a chaperone. Her gaze is curious as she looks me over. God, why are they both being so weird!

I stand beside the wall feeling odd and out of place. Why did he even ask me to come? They’re both looking at me like I don’t belong.

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