Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,49

Alex into the girls’ dorm with us. Once we’re inside, I turn to face them. “It’s not just O’Donovan and Kane out to get me. Rena told me that they’re talking in the capital about the girl who failed the mindscan and seems to be doing so well here.” I can tell this is a lot for them to take in, and they’re running on empty. I am too. “Look, let’s get some food, and we’ll talk about it – I just didn’t want you making a big deal out of my win out there.”

“Okay,” Sam says. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out together.”

I nod.

“Yeah, together, what she said,” Alex mumbles. He’s pale and sweaty.

“Alex, are you okay?”

“No. I hurt my leg.” He pulls up the pant leg and his shin is raw. Thick blood oozes from the long gash.

We help him hobble over to Sam’s bed, and he lays back while Sam rummages through the lockers, locking for bandages and something to clean it with.

“How’d this happen?” I ask.

“There was a trap set up – a deep hole dug into the ground and covered by a tarp – meant to look like leaves.”

“They say everyone gets different obstacles,” I say, holding his pant leg up.

Sam looks up from dressing his wound. “Was it true that yours was the wolf?”

After a moment, I nod. They stare at me for too long, with curiosity and interest in their eyes. I wish everyone would stop looking at me like that.

Chapter 18

We stand outside the building as the last of the names are added to the board. It’s still surreal that mine sits at the top. There are two people still missing – Bailey and Lexi.

Kane comes out and exchanges a few words with O’Donovan and Will. I pick up that Bailey is close – she should make it back within the thirty hour time limit. But Lexi is a lost cause.

A few minutes later, Bailey comes into view, limping along out of the forest. I imagine myself in her place, the last to finish with everyone else lined up, staring you down. Kane adds Bailey’s name to the last spot on the board.

O’Donovan checks his watch one last time and turns to Will. “Go get her,” he says.

Will walks to the Jeep, almost like he’s been waiting for this moment. He has to go rescue Lexi from the forest. Maybe that’s what he wants, someone who relies on him, someone he can protect, so he can be the strong one. I think about our conversation last night – when he let me lean against him. You’re allowed to show some weakness. I turn away. I’m not sure why, but I can’t watch him drive into the forest toward her.


We’re given the morning off and rest in the dorms for a few hours. In the afternoon, though, training starts again. We gather in the gym. Bailey is gone, as is Lexi. We learn they’ve both received their assignments. I never realized that being assigned would mean being taken away so quickly. I guess I need to get used to the idea that I might not be able to say goodbye to Sam or Will or talk to Rena again.

The guys and girls in Lexi’s crew still avoid me, like it’s somehow honoring her memory. In fact, everyone gives me a healthy dose of space, cautious around me after my win today. Sam says my strength scares them. But I can’t imagine that I scare anyone.

Kane meets us in the gym, and there’s a sense that things are going to get even more intense from here on out. He has a large duffle bag slung over each shoulder. He opens the bags and spills the contents out onto the floor. A mess of night vision goggles litter the floor.

“Everyone grab a mask,” he says, taking one for himself. We all take a mask and put it on. It feels clunky, resting too far down on my forehead. I adjust the lenses that protrude over my eyes. Kane crosses the room and flips off the lights. In the windowless gym, we’re plunged into blackness, but I can see everything faintly glowing green.

“Gather around.” Kane motions us around him in a circle. “Tonight’s focus will be on hand to hand combat. I’ll measure how well you’ll be able to handle yourself in the dead of night guarding the fence against Radicals.” He paces the floor in front of us. “There may be times that all you’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024