Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,35

the hallway, but it sounds foreign on my lips. There are no details of what became of him. Like they could stamp out someone’s whole existence when it didn’t fit in with their plan.

The door to the bunker opens and Sam peeks out, spotting me on the floor. Alex is behind her. She comes and sits down beside me. Alex sits on my other side. No one speaks for the first few minutes. I close the file and place it on my lap. Even though there’s nothing all that interesting, I still have the sense to guard it from their eyes.

“They all acted like I was diseased when they heard the word inconclusive,” I whisper.

“Psshhh,” Sam says. “What the hell do they know?” She reaches over and squeezes my knee. “They’re no different from you or me.”

Sam’s words are laced with confidence, but it does little to convince me. I know I am different. I was starting to see that every day that I stayed here. There is something different about me – my mind – that makes me a target.

Alex takes my hand from my lap and sets it in his, pressing his palm to mine. I have the sense to pull my hand away, but I don’t. I know that them being here means they don’t care about some stupid test result, and for that I’m grateful. I release a sigh and let my head rest against Alex’s shoulder. Though I know I shouldn’t encourage him, in this moment I just don’t care.

After lights out, I’m still too wound up to sleep. And If I am to survive here, I need to strengthen my abilities. I slip out of bed and head down the hall. Though I was timid the first time I stepped inside the gym, now I am sure-footed. Even in the darkness, I walk straight for the weight benches shoved in the corner.

I select two ten pound dumbbells, but they feel too light. I take the fifteens instead. I curl them up, straining on the first repetition. These will do. I press them over my head. I stand in the darkened gym lifting weights. This is not the life I imagined for myself. I should be in the co-ed school, finishing my education, selecting a future career, looking forward to dating. I won’t let the tears come; I push harder and let out a grunt each time I push the weights over my head. I let my mind go blank. It won’t help thinking of home, thinking of what my life was supposed to be. When I can no longer lift my arms, I replace the weights and walk back to the dorm.

I walk silently through the hall. At this time of night it’s dark and quiet. But instead of feeling peaceful, it gives off an eerie vibe. I turn the corner and stop dead in my tracks, realizing I’m not alone.

In the hallway up ahead, I see the silhouette of a man leaning against the wall. I stop and hold my breath, slinking into the shadows so he won’t spot me. I can’t see who he is, because of the girl draped over his body. Long blonde hair spills down her back. Lexi.

I just want to get past the intersecting hallway without them spotting me. Not to mention I’m horribly embarrassed watching Lexi try to seduce someone in the hallway.

My hearts thumps erratically, and I watch as the guy tips his head back against the wall, letting his eyes fall closed. Even though shadows conceal his face, there’s something familiar about him. My eyes snap shut, refusing to see more. I hear the rustle of clothing and my eyes fly open again to see the girl suggestively lower herself in front of him until she’s kneeling on the ground on her knees.

Sensing that they are quite wrapped up in each other, I dart past the intersection and continue down the hall, when a whispered word makes my heart stop. Lexi. Will’s voice. Whispering her name.

The sweat on my back turns cold.

He lets out a low, tortured growl.

My stomach twists uncomfortably. I turn and jog for the dorms, no longer caring if my footsteps give me away. I just need to flee.

Chapter 14

As the challenge moves closer, the one that will have a big impact on our ranks, I’ve noticed people have been stealing bits of rope from the gym, stuffing extra food into their pockets at lunch and trying to hoard supplies they think Copyright 2016 - 2024