Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,33

knees, hopping in and out of the tires. Next they reach the ropes suspended from the ceiling and aggressively climb hand over hand until they’ve reached the top. No one reaches up to tag it like I did that day. They slide down and drop to the ground long before they’re to the bottom. Bryce is now in the lead, and edges out his competition, as he charges into a big punching bag that’s on a rolling track. He shoves it back with everything he has until it slams to a stop at the end of the track. He then runs back to the start of the course. He scans his barcode at the time pod to record his time.

The whole course takes the guys about two minutes to complete. It’s clear they’ve done it before and are only trying to better their times. I look to the girls around me who wait for their chance. Sam is in the next group that’s just getting ready to go. She’ll be matched up against Jake, Alex and a guy I haven’t officially met yet. I can tell by her smile that she doesn’t care that she’s the only girl, or that she might not be as strong as the others, and the fact that she just doesn’t care inspires me.

So what if I’m the smallest one here? That I’m barely over five feet or top the scale at one hundred and three pounds? I try to think of how I could use everything I’ve got to my advantage. I decide maybe, just maybe, my advantage will be my size. I’m small and quick and my feet will fit easily within the openings of the tires, so I won’t get tangled up and trip like many of the others do. And suddenly, I’m itching to try this course.

I move up and join the group with Sam and the guys. I tap Alex on the shoulder, knowing he’ll let me trade places with him. He gives me a strange smile and steps back, letting me take his spot. Sam gives me a wide grin, like she’s proud of me. I’m proud of me, too. I won’t let people like Kane, Drew or Bryce make me feel weak. I know my mother would like this, too.

Kane brings the whistle to his lips, and I settle back on one heel, ready to spring forward when I hear it blast, but then he notices me and lets the whistle fall from his mouth. He squints, giving me a long, hate-filled look, then gives the whistle a sharp blast and we spring forward.

I don’t pay attention to anyone else around me, and instead sprint with everything I have for the tires. I’m the first one in my group to reach them and I easily step through the openings at their centers, navigating my way through. Sam and the others are getting closer. I hear them trip and swear under their breath as they try to catch up.

When I reach the ropes, I pick the one that will leave me closer to the next obstacle and take off upward. The ropes beside me begin swinging as the others start to climb. The guys quickly overtake both Sam and I on the ropes, but not by much. When I touch down on the floor, I tuck my chin to my chest and run harder than I ever have before, pumping my arms at my sides. I pass by Sam, and I’m right at the heels of Jake, when I slam into the punching bag. It nearly knocks the wind out of me. It feels like slamming into a wall, but I dig my heels in and push it little by little until it’s all the way across the room. When I reach the finish line, I come in second, right behind Jake.

Sam comes in behind me, out of breath, but still smiling. “Damn, Eve. Didn’t know you had it in you.” She claps me on the back, and we wait at the end of the line with Sabrina – whose group is up next. She hops nervously on the balls of her feet. “You got this, B,” Sam says, patting Sabrina’s butt.

I hear low voices, and glance behind me. Lexi is last in line, and she’s standing with Will, looking up at him, her hand on his forearm. His face is expressionless and after a second, his eyes flick over to mine. I turn just in time to see Copyright 2016 - 2024