Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,24

the eyes,” Rena challenges, her voice low, calming.

Drew cracks a mischievous grin and fires one last time – the poor target is now peppered with the darts – and it lands with a crack, squarely between the eyes. A tangle of used wires lay between him and the target.

“Nicely done.” Rena approaches me next.

I still haven’t fired a single shot yet. I just stand there, holding the gun, feeling incredibly out of place.

I remember the way Rena seemed surprised by my last name. I watch her with curiosity. She must be several years older than my mother, and I’m sure I’ve never seen her before.

I widen my stance so my feet are shoulder-width apart and draw a breath to steady myself. I try to push the strange reaction from Rena from my mind. I lift the pulse gun and visualize my darts flying toward the target. When I press the trigger, the darts shoot out, but drop several feet from the target and clatter to the ground. I hear snickers around me.

“Why is she even here? Drew asks. “It’s an insult to the rest of us.”

I realize that everyone else has already fired and hit the target, and they are watching me, waiting for me to finish before they can walk to the fence and retrieve their darts.

“Take your time,” Rena says, putting herself in between Drew and me.

She reloads my gun, and I try again, more determined this time. I pull back on the trigger, and though my darts fly nearly to the fence, they’re way off center from the target.

“This is ridiculous. I’m going to get my darts,” Drew says. “There’s no way she could hit me, even if she wanted to.”

Trust me, in that moment, I wanted to.

“All right Eve, take a break. Everyone else, go get your darts,” Will says.

Thankful for the distraction, I take a moment to study those around me, trying to understand what I’m doing wrong.

Sam seems to be doing the same thing as me – only she’s stronger and her hands must be steadier. I try again, and my darts hit the ground and plunge into the earth. Drew laughs and flips his gun around in his hands, showing off. And for the first time, I realize I might not be able to do this. I hand the gun I’m holding to Alex, rather than risk shooting Drew, and take several steps back.

Will steps into view. “Everyone who has … hit the target is free to go to lunch.” His eyes fall on me.

Everyone heads inside the building, and I’m left with just Will and Rena.

“Go pick up your gun,” Will says to me. His voice is low and commanding and washes over me, making my heart thud in anticipation. My lips part slightly, and my breathing speeds up as my body responds to him. I focus on slowing my breathing, and I walk the few paces to pick up the gun from the ground.

He comes up behind me and places his hands on my hips. His touch is firm, knowing, and he straightens my hips toward the target. My feet follow. “Square up to the target.” He moves my hips forward just slightly. He’s so close I can feel his breath on the top of my head.

I muster a nod and do my best to pay attention.

“Hold it just like you were before; that part was right.”

At least I wasn’t a total moron. I had one thing right. “Maybe I’m just not strong enough to do this,” I say softly.

“I don’t believe that. Do you?”

I don’t answer.

“You were holding your breath. This time, when you fire, make sure you exhale.” My heart flutters erratically under his touch. He drops his hands from my waist and steps back. “Okay?”

I swallow.

Even after he steps several back, it takes me a few moments to catch my breath. When I do, I pull back on the trigger with new confidence and breathe out at just the same moment. The darts nail the target with a thud. I almost jump at the sound, I’m so on edge.

“Much better,” he says. “Do it again.”

I do it again, just like he showed me and hit the target again.

Will doesn’t say anything; he just exchanges a knowing glance with Rena.

I try it a few more times, hitting the target each time.

“Okay, Eve, you can go to lunch,” Will says.

I turn to them. “Can I … talk to Rena for a second?”

He looks me over, thinking. I hope he assumes Copyright 2016 - 2024